J42v15 aka Jarvis

DESCRIPTION Jarvis is just over six feet tall, with a mostly jet black rubberized metal casing. His upper facial area is alabaster white. He sports an alabaster moustache and onyx and alabaster 'hair'. His eyes are dark black cathodes with pulsating blue rays that vibrate in sync with his vocalizations. As a 'Snapper', he occasionally emits light electrical arcing noises, usually during times of great duress or expenditure of energy. He sports black wingtip shoes that are tipped in reflective pure silver. His dress is made up of black slacks, neatly pressed daily, and a crisp white shirt and blood red tie. He wraps this in a neatly pressed black buttle vest and doorman's coat lined in burgundy velour. He carries his umbrella with him at all times, in order to shade the Lady Zeldanthia when needed, but also as a weapon in times of need. There is a short hidden blade in handle, with which he is deadly proficient. In times of extreme duress, Jarvis has a hidden attack mode that requires the deposit of his ladies blood in order to activate. When in this mode, his body bursts from his clothing, as the hidden limbs and weapons he carries at all times are brought forth for use. In this mode, only the word of Lady Zaldanthia or one of her progeny may quell his attack.   LORE   J42v15, or "Jarvis" as he is known to those he serves, is a Snapper in employ as a butler by the Lady Zeldanthia. Programed with an elite intelligence, he is also adept at swordplay and tactics.   Created by the Jenkins Machine Men corporation, he is part of their Servitude line of Machine Men. He is Model 42, with Version 15 of the Servitude programming. (Hence J42v15: Jenkins Model 42, Version 15)   He has a pleasant disposition about him, and is more than happy to serve, but is also fiercely loyal to his matron. His abilities with the sword also grant him access to her at all times, as her personal body guard. This is unknown to most, who simply seen as a bumbling automaton that serves the family.   He was one of the few who did not see Pat's curse as something deficient, and encouraged the young baron incumbent to always strive for whatever he wanted, and not let his curse get in the way. It could be said he was more of a father to the young Pat than his actual father. Pat had a strong attachment to Jarvis, and would often regale his friends with stories growing up, of being cared for by the kind Machine Man.   As personal attendant to the Lady Zeldanthia, he never leaves her side. To find them more than a room apart is unheard of, even in her slumber. As he stands guard of her quarters during her sleep, never needing to rest as the actual guards do.


J42v15 aka Jarvis

Protector and Personal Butler (Vital)

Towards Pat the Cat



Pat the Cat

Ward and Master (Important)

Towards J42v15 aka Jarvis



True Neutral
Unknown, at least 100
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the Jenkin Machine Man corporation, secretly enhanced by original to be a skilled body guard on top of original buttle programming
Current Residence
Rexavia Keep, Rexavia Barony
Reserved Masculine
Shiny black translucent glass with tri-motional diode pupils
Grey veined carved marble
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mostly black rubberized steel with highlights of White Marble
650 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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