Kvinnlig Krigare


Kvinnlig Krigare is ruled by a Sisterhood, which is headed by a Monarch. Each member of the Sisterhood hails from one of the Jarldoms within the country, and they act as the Monarchs of their Jarldoms sisterhoods. Each Jarldom within the country elects their sisterhoods and each sisterhood delegates a matriarch, who is then sent to the main Sisterhood to delegate a Matriarch for the entire country. The Matriarch serves at the will of the Sisterhood of the Jarldoms, and as such can be removed if the group feels it neccesary for the greater good. The same is true for the smaller sisterhoods of each Jarldom.   All matters of politics and political office are held by women in Kvinnlig Krigare, as Krigarans view political work as work to take care of the 'home' (ie, homeland), which is 'womens work', culuturally. The same cultural ties mean only men are allowed in the military, and mandatory military training/conscription is a part of every Krigaran males teenage years.


Walking Valkyrie's Path

Walking Valkyrie's Path is a major portion of the culture of Kvinnlig Krigare. Walking the Path is the name for the mandatory conscription and training regimens of 16 year old males in Kvinnlig Krigare into the armies of the land, until they are 18, at which point they are free to continue their lives as they see fit. The path is detailed and highly enforced program, run entirely by the male leadership within the armies. It is highly structured and consists of many rules and regulations. The Path was created for a multitude of reasons, but one of the main reasons was to ensure all boys enter adulthood as men ready to be productive to Krigaran society at large. The first phase of the Path is tied to the extreme emphasis on the continuation of familial lines in Kvinnlig Krigare, as such all the conscripted boys are taken to the Den of Valkyries in Sköldjungfru, the capital city. The Den is a temporary holding place, where the boys are given their gear and training regiments are assigned to them. The branding on their arm is updated, with their regiments sigil branded to it, adding to the sequence. Once complete, they are ushered into single room barracks, where they are made to lie with a Valkyrie Maiden, a conscripted force of females loyal to the armies and country. Due to the focus on familial bloodlines, the forced copulation is utilized to 'preserve' the boys bloodline via impregnation. Every three months during their tour of duty, the boys are returned to the Den, in order to impregnate another Maiden, and the last maiden is given herbs to induce an abortion of the last 'seeding'. This process is to ensure that if the boy is killed during his duties, his progeny will live on, and the maiden will carry the child to term and pilgrimage to the boys home to help his family raise the child. This is seen as the highest honor to a Valkyrie Maiden, as she is seen as carrying the child of an honored warrior.   The first year of the Path is marked with constant training of the body and the mind. Krigarans value intelligence in battle, as tactics are just as important as brawn to them. The boys are sent to the training keeps assigned to them at the Den in one of three mountainous regions: Skelettsång Range, Bergssång Range or Jätte tumme Peak. The year is split in half, with the first half dedicated to molding the boy into a diversely powerful warrior, skilled with all weapons. The second half of the year is dedicated to honing their minds as warriors, they are learned in the tactics and histories of great warriors and famous battles in the Krigaran history. This training is only interrupted every 3 months for the boys pilgrimage back to the Valkyries Den to perform their duties there. Upon completion of the training, the next stage of the Path begins.   The second year of the Path is active duty. They are then sent to their assigned regiment, usually the regiment of their home clanlands. Here they perform their conscripted duty as the protectors of Kvinnlig Krigare. Although not currently at war with any other countries, the Krigaran take the protection of their lands very dutifully, and most towns and cites are heavily fortified and manned with soldiers. The elite soldiers during the training year are sent to the royal regiments in Sköldjungfru, to protect the capitol and Jarldom Sisterhood. These soldiers are directly commanded by the Monarch of the Sisterhood, who is the only woman in the country allowed to ride into battle as a fellow soldier in times of war. Once the soldiers turn 18, no matter where they are conscripted, they are given the choice to continue in service or an honorable discharge.   If they choose the path of service, it is a lifetime conscription. During this conscription, they still perform their familial duties at the Den of Valkyries, but it is relegated to every 5 years from the original every 3 months. Lifetime soldiers are expected to celebrate other than their impregnation duties in the Den. Those that are discharged are branded one more time, with a sigil from their regiment that represents their service and discharge with full honors. Those in lifetime service are only branded from this point on if they change regiments, the new regiments sigil branded along side the rest of the sequence. Those in lifetime service are also encouraged to tattoo their bodies and faces, to add to their fearsome visage.   Those discharged are not allowed to take the child from their final pilgrimage, as it is forcibly aborted as well. These pregnancies are seen merely as a contingency plan, until they are needed, at which point they are elevated in status. The Valkyrie Maidens are made up of women chosen by the clanlands. Every year, each clanland must put forth 5 women to begin conscription as a Maiden. There is no uniform way to choose who is conscripted, as each clanland has their own traditions and ceremonies to decide this. These women see their conscription as an honor, and their status among the populace reflects this. They are treated almost like royalty, especially considering the toll that being a Maiden can take on their bodies. This is why Maidens are rotated among the soldiers, to ensure that Maidens who have terminated the most recent pregnancy can have sufficient time to rest before taking up their duties again. The path is seen as barbaric to most of the rest of The World, they view it as a holdover from a less civilized age in Kvinnlig Krigare's past. Despite this, the overall culture of the Krigaran is relatively advanced, not at the level of Dunnywild, but at least on par with the majority of the Rival's Monarchy in technological and cultural advancement.  

Stag Riders and Blaskateers

These martial arts both originated within Kvinnlig Krigare, in their Dwarves communities. While specialized to the unique anatomy of the Dwarves, it is nevertheless seen as part of Kvinnlig Krigare's cultural heritage.   For more on these, please see Stag Riders and Blaskateers


Kvinnlig Krigare is rich in commodity crops, as the Shieldmaiden Riverlands are blessed with naturally aquaducted soil rich in mineral content. This abundance of crops has led to most countries trading with the Krigarans for their bounty. Interestingly, despite their culture being deeply steeped in their military, they don't produce much of their own armaments. They have a long standing history of trade with Rivals Monarchy , which affords them access to their superior metallurgy. Kvinnlig Krigare is also known for its varied wildlife and beast of the hunt. They export tonnes of furs and preserved meats along with their abundance of crops. Technologically, they are at the world standard, but do not have any technological specialty of note.


Most residents of Kvinnlig Krigare follow the state religion of Valkyrie.

Agriculture & Industry

Commodity Crops and Animal Product Exports

"Be your friend’s true friend. Return gift for gift. Repay laughter with laughter again, but betrayal with treachery."


  K'uh-ViHn-LiHg Kree-gahr-Ray
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Economic System
Market economy
Major Imports
Kvinnlig Krigare is a heavy importer of Rivals Steel from the Rivals Monarchy
Legislative Body
The Grand Jarldom Sisterhood
Judicial Body
The Minor Jarldom Sisterhoods
Executive Body
The Minor Jarldom Sisterhoods

Articles under Kvinnlig Krigare


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