Turtlekin Species in Ávra | World Anvil





The Turtlekin retracts into his shell, preventing damage.
Roll d6 for effect:
  • 1-3: The Turtlekin retracts suddenly, dropping to the ground. He takes +1 damage from the fall, and does not take any more damage until he comes out of his shell, or 20 damage has been done to his shell, forcing him out. The turtlekin can not perform any actions while retracted, except to detract.
  • 4-6: The Turtlekin slides gracefully into his shell, it spins around a few times and wobbles to the floor. The turtlekin does not take any more damage until he comes out of his shell, or 20 damage has been done to his shell, forcing him out. The turtlekin can not perform any actions while retracted, except to detract.

Southern Snapper

The strong beak of the Turtlekin is not to be underestimated.
Roll d6 for effect:
  • 1-3: The enemy is able to dodge slightly and is only nipped by the chitinous beak, enemy takes +2 damage
  • 4-6: The enemy is caught unaware, and the Turtlekin bites hard and locks his jaw in place. Enemy takes initial +2 damage, and takes +1 damage for every action until they are able to make a roll to remove the Turtlekins grip. Enemy must roll d6 at end of each turn and roll higher than Turtlekin's initial roll to successfully remove the Turtlekin's grip

Live Slow, Die Old

Turtlekin have a slowed metabolism, causing any bodily effects to be slowed as well. Any form of passive damage is slowed on the Turtlekin, who takes 1/2 as much damage per time period. This unfortunately also means medicines or any passive health boosts work half as well too, with the same halving of benefit per time period
  • Passive ability applies to all passive damage (bleeding, poison, pox, disease, infection, inebriation, etc.) and passive health boosts (blood magics, food, consumables, etc.)

Basic Information


They are known to be lackadaisical, unless working on something that can benefit them. Turtlekin relish the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their own labors. In addition, due to their laid back nature, Turtlekin prioritize time for pleasure and nothing pleasures a Turtlekin more than learning. This has led to many Turtlekin to seek out degrees of learning and arts. Many Artisans and doctors of the lands are Turtlekin, as are many law workers, scientists, mathematicians, Alchemists and professors. Private schools will boast of a full Turtlekin staff, knowing that The People will see this as a great boon in their ability to disseminate knowledge to their children. For their part, Turtlekin revel in this attention and do nothing to dispel the rumors.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Turtlekin tend to live in Shellgroups, large familial units of related individuals. Most Turtlekin never leave their homes, with multiple generations living under one roof. When two Turtlekin marry, they traditionally combine households via selling the old houses of both families, and utilizing this profit to purchase new land and a large home to now house the multiple generations from both families. This intermingling happens at a rate that sometimes is not compatible with the rate of births/marriages/deaths, and as such overpopulation of Turtlekin households can run rampant. There are many programs being suggested to reeducate the Turtlekin towards more 'traditional' marriage rituals to prevent this, but as of this time have all failed miserably. This is due in part to how Turtlekin view their homes as nothing more than a safe place to rest. They tend to do every other activity outside their homes, from eating, defecating, mating, etc. Turtlekin will simply retract into their shells and stack among each other to sleep for the night and then all will exit in the morning. To the Turtlekin, their shells are their real 'homes', and they keep these immaculately clean. Non Turtlekin mates are expected to convert to the Turtlekin way, which would also necessitate the mates family as well to convert, which is a roadblock to interspecies mating. This culture does make it hard for Turtlekin to mate with other species, but some have and produced offspring as well.

Facial characteristics

The Turtlekin face ranges in shape depending on the species morphology. Some turtlekin have large more pronounced beaks, others less so. More aquatic sea turtlekin have a third eyelid which helps them to see while swimming in the water, as well as more widely set eyes. Some turtlekin even have traits related to tortises, such as longer neck.

Average Intelligence

Turtlekin are known for their intelligence, and have a natural love for learning. Turtlekin are renowned worldwide for their intelligence, and most ply their abilities towards learned and fine arts.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Due to their massive shells, Turtlekin clothing is unique in its construction. The backs of turtlekin clothing is open with a set of buttons or zips, which the Turtlekin can utilize to close the backs of their clothing comfortably, while still allowing for the shell to proture outwards. This gives the impression that Turtlekin are wearing their clothing underneath the shells, and has led to the misnomer that they are able to remove their shells.   Another unique feature of Turtlekin dress is their penchant for not dressing at all. Their natural shell acting as clothing for them, when near their homes, most Turtlekin will wear very little to no clothing, only dressing up formally when planning to interact with the world at large.

"Small and peaceful. The Turtlekin live up to their namesake and are in no hurry to rush through life."~Ríocht Scholar speaking on the Turtlekin

A Turtlekin Royal Guard for the Queen of the Rivals Monarchy
Genetic Ancestor(s)
100-150 years on average
Average Height
4-6 feet, depending on species morphology
Average Weight
150-300 pounds, depending on species morphology
Average Physique
Turtlekin bodies range greatly depending on their species morphology. They are known to have claws, some with more human like fingers, other with more 'wild' foot like pads. Sea turtlekin have broad flat arms akin to flippers, with delicate clawed fingers at the tips. Those that present tortise like features have a more hunched stance with a more dome like shell.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Turtlekin Scales and Shells range in colors and shades, just as wild turtles do.


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