Artaros Geographic Location in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil


Artaros is the center of wealth, industry and technology of the Triumvirate. I bouts most of its population, distributed over enormous cities - each so large and sense that they outclass entire planets in other systems. At the center of all this lies the Archimedias Station, an enormous space station so massive that it is more akin to a nation.   The population of Artaros has grown quite drastically over the last decade and is surpassing other systems by orders of magnitude. This growth came in the wake of an industrial revolution that reshaped much of daily life and led to the creation of unfathomable wealth. Yet this wealth is by no means equitable distributed. The rich Corporate Elite life a lifestyle of luxury on the back of a vast exploited working class. A by-product of this inequity is a massive criminal underground that is well integrated with most aspects of daily life.
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