The Coalition Border
There is no wall, no fortified line of demarkation that states unequivocally that one has entered the territory of the Coalition. Rather, there is territory that the Coalition can exercise its power upon, and beyond this there is not. This middle ground of tenuous control and sporadic safety can best be described as a frontier.
Localized Phenomena
The commanders of each military outpost have their own ways of demonstrating and establishing control of the areas they oversee. But here are some of them:
- Employing wilderness scouts to be the eyes and ears of a centralized military reaction force.
- Send skelebot kill squads across the countryside with a well-defined threat library.
- Post signs stating that the Coalition States excercise their power here, usually by showing the Skull logo of the Coalition States and pictures of the well-recognized coalition "dead boy."
- Display defeated threats prominantly to send an unambiguous message to other potential threats.
- Cutting down swaths of trees for well-travelled sky cycle and SAMAS patrol routes.
Fauna & Flora
In the relative peace found in the interior of Coalition territory, there are concerted efforts being made to eradicate non-native flora and fauna. The efforts are few, but are very high profile and have the backing of the populace. Their progress are used as visible victories for the Coalition prpoganda machine, especially when there are no military victories to flaunt and advertise.
The Coalition States establish military outposts around their settlements. These outposts send out patrols hunting and chasing threats away, making the area around them safer. The settlements attract people and grow while at the same time the outposts themselves form the centers of more settlements. New outposts are then set out around these new settlements to keep them safe and the process repeats. In this way, the coalition states have been able to grow and merge together, forming perhaps the safest region in North America for human beings.
This settlement process has repeated itself for over a hundreed years, creating vast territories. Each is known as a state in the coalition of states. At the center of each state is its original settlement, now a monolithic city. At the farthest reaches is the limit of projected power. This limit is the "border."