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Short and Sturdy, the Dwarven peoples are known across the world for their tenacity, artisanal prowess as well as their skills at grudge-bearing.   Originating in the Mountains region of Horakh-Dhrum, the Dwarves were among the earliest civilizations started as the third of Aman'yok's creations.   While mountainous regions were the homes of the Dwarves, over time they would begin branching out into what is now known as the Khim Darohm Coast and the Hunolduran Plains. Contact with the Elves of Tor'A'An and Tel'A'At introduced the Faith of the Aman and more specifically, worship of Aman'Origan, Weaver of Fates, into Dwarven Society. This caused a schism between the traditionalists in the mountains who had only ever known the old ways of their beliefs and the newer generations who, having left the mountains were exposed to new ideas. This cultural split would form off into Dwarvenstone society, and Dwarvensun society.   It should be noted, despite the long-standing division between the dwarves, little enmity exists between them. While Kings and Kingdoms may feud, a Dwarvensun is as likely to welcome a Dwarvenstone into their hearts as a Dwarvenstone might a Dwarvensun.


The Dwarvenstone Dwarfs follow in the tradition of old, living deep in their mountain holds, subsisting on diets of ales, lagers and smoke-cured meats. These are amongst the finest craftsmen in all the world, and from the workshops in the depths of Orimid, splendorous jewelworks pour out.   While the majority of the Dwarvenstone live within the borders of the Orimid Empire, they also form a majority of neighboring Thogboldir and a plurality in the mountains of Khenthiad.


Owing to their long generations away from the mountains, Dwarvensun Dwarves are known to share a similar tolerance for more moderate climates, more akin to those enjoyed by Humans though they are mainly known to stay along coastal cities.   With their adoption of the faith, the Dwarvensun, owing to the stubborn nature of their forbearers took the Elven religion and quickly took to their own interpretations of the religion. Origan's declaration to "Be amongst the world" was interpreted as to become traders, explorers and most importantly, sea-farers. Far removed from their mountainous origins, the Dwarvensun soon found themselves able sailors, and then before long, masters of the Sea, controlling much the water ways of Garibald Bay, the Hattokar Sea and the Tourmaline Sea.   Though many of the Dwarvensun are happy to ply mercantile trade, good-nature is not a racial trait and indeed with the turn towards sea-faring, so too did many turn towards piracy. Dwarven Piracy is a constant threat harassing traders from the Sea of Spiced Winds all the way to the Hattokar Sea.   To many, Home for the Dwarvensun can be found in the Bhamram Isles of Bharbadihr and along the Khim Darohm Coast. Unlike the Dwarvenstone who largely keep to more monoculutral societys, Dwarvensun have not shared this desire and are found also in many different cities and kingdoms, from Grenet and the Free City of Seinah all the way to distant Caelora, where the climate is acceptable and their trade can be plied, Dwarvensun can be found nearly anywhere.


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