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Sunder Gate

"Timot landed an arrow right between that Ferrani's eyes... Can't say why it approached the gate, they all know we have standing orders to loose arrows on anyone approaching that looks the part. Still, glad he was carrying that basket of fruits. Guarding the gate is tiring work." -Guardsman Aurea Bracken, 2nd Watch

The Fortress of Sunder Gate

Built into the surrounding mountainsides, the Fortress of Sunder Gate is the first and strongest line of defense protecting the southern lands from the marauders who have poured out of the desert badlands on the other side.


Following decades of incursions from raiders pouring out of the mountain passes of the western desert, the ruling council of Grenet comissioned the construction and manning of Sunder Gate, which guarded their north since it's construction.


The garrison at Sunder Gate has, for the last few decades not seen a serious raid against it's walls in several decades. As a result of the lull, they have been able to offer token services to those who need it. Providing an escort across the desert to distant Enekraad for those cannot travel by sea, or offering mecernary work for those who are in need of such services.  

Sanat's Town

Sanat's Town is a market town, situated just before the gates that control entry to and from the Ferran Desert. At Sanat's Town, limited freedoms are allowed to the Ferrani who are typically barred from transit beyond the gate to do trade with any merchants.
The name Sanat's Town, is a local corruption of the Ferrani language which references the tribe of San'at, who are often found along the southern mountains.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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