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The Aman

The Aman are a race of all powerful deities that walk among us in the garden that they have seeded.  

Notable Appearances of the Aman

The Aman have walked among us since they gifted us their creation. From time to time, the Aman have been seen among the cities of Aelves, Men and Dwarves. These cities are considered Aman-touched, which is a title of great honor and few of these cities are granted the blessing of being Twice-Touched and are treated as holy cities within the faith.   During the proclomation of the Kingdom of the Two Rivers and the start of the Age of Their Creation, Aman'Udros, The Orderbringer was noted as being at the dais during the crowning ceremony.   In the autumn of 132, during harvest celebrations, Aman'Yok, The God of Binding was seen among the celebrants of the farms outside of Tor'A'An, they were seen to be deeply enthused by the collective joy held by the peoples. It is said, shortly before the first snowfall signalled the winter months, a second surprise harvest graced these farms and the food stores of the Kingdom were full near to burst that year.   In the year of 297, Aman'Udros spent time with the Stoneseer of Thogboldan during the digging of a new burial hall for the Thane's family.   Far to the northern reaches of the Great Dorei, in Eyeth Entheos, Aman'Origan, Weaver of Fates visited the Aelves in the year of 332, when two members of the then ruling Clan were caught in a dispute that threatened to fall into total bloodshed, it was Aman'Origan who had offered them a glimpse of the outcomes their decisions would yield. The matter was resolved shortly thereafter.   The Orcish city of Mezgrogdahn was visited in 568 by Aman'Yok.   While most of Kirshall still writhed in the chaos that followed the collapse of the Empire of Great Benalor in 607, Aman'Udros visited the city of Aminum. So inspiring was the site of a visiting Aman that a riot that had been ongoing in the city for the last few days subsided almost immediately.   The City of Conteign was visited in 859 by Aman'Origan.   In the year 999 Pranor's Strand was visited by Aman'Yok. This visited sparked an intense religious fervor that continued in the city even to this day.   The Aelven City of Frensara was visited by Aman'Origan in the year 1011   During the reign of Grand Duke Georgi II Valrak in the year 1041, Aman'Yok had visited Great Irinoff. The Grand Duke spent much of their visit attempting to impress the Aman with lavish feasts, and gifts of which Aman'Yok had shunned all of them. They had instead spent much of their time observing the lowly workers who scurried amidst the castle, the butchers, hand maidens, seamstresses and carpenters. They would dissapear later in the night, leaving a profound effect on the Grand Duke.   In the aftermath of the Independence of Seinah, Aman'Yok was seen visiting both Aminum and the Free City of Seinah, they were spotted traveling north into the Ferran Desert, where the tragedy of Aman'Yok would occur.


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