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The Holy Order of The Protectorate

The Holy Order of The Protectorate, or The Order, is a military order of the Aman Faith. Their original purpose was to protect the frail god Aman'Yok which they had done so succesfully for untold centuries until the poison of some Ferrani coward fell   With the death of Aman'Yok, and the ushering in of the end times, the Order has since acted as a guard against the horrors that eminate from the blighted coast, the resting place of Aman'Yok. Support to the Order is sent in from across all of the various kingdoms and republics of the Aman Faith. Most notably, the Enekland, who constructed Fortress Mezzer & Irinoff, who provided The Shyem



Founded early on as the military arm of the Faith, the Holy Order

The Search for Aman'yok

The Reorganization of the Order

Following Second Council of Sanktskrat, the purpose of the Order was forever altered. Failing in their


The Mezzer

Located on the western edge of the border shared with blighted coast

The Shyem

Along the eastern coast, The Shyem is a bastion against the horrors reaching northwards from it's south.
The larger of the two castles, The Shyem is a massive concentric fortress built into the marshes of the coastlands. The waters of the marsh acting as a kind of natural moat to slow if not deter any invading creatures that might assail the fortress. As The Mezzer was funded by Enekraad, the Shyem too was built and funded by the Grand Duke of Irinff

The Towers

While the mighty fortresses of The Mezzer & The Shyem might serve as massive bulwarks against the blight, they cannot hope to cover the vastness of the surrounding morass. So, in addition to the fortresses, a series of towers were constructed as watchtowers and to provide signal fires to quickly inform the other fortress of any incoming threats or requests for aid.

Mezz Tower 1

Mezz Tower 2

Shyem Tower

The heraldic insignia of the order is a simple design of White and Black split vertically.
Founding Date
Religious, Holy Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Parent Organization


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