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The Blighted Coast

"I can still recall a time before the stink of death filled this place, the waters teemed with fish and fauna, birdsong would surround you and the worst thing you might come across was a beast already fat from a kill. Now... rot has taken hold of these lands and there exists in these woods naught more terrible than what might be dreamt of in the most feverish of dreams" -Captain Garael, Second Expedition Commander of The Shyem

The Blighted Coast, is a marshland located on the southeast of Khirina, the land has been poisoned by the god-corpse of Aman'Yok. Untold horrors now spew out from the marshes and waters surrounding these plaguelands and relentless assault the twin fortresses of The Mezzer and The Shyem.

Notable Locations

The Shrine of Aman'Yok

The final resting place of Aman'Yok, a humble tower of argent marble, it stands in stark contrast to the horrors it surrounds. The location of the shrine was determined by Aman'yok themselves in their final hours, marble was shipped in from the Quarries of irinoff through the territories of Enekland while support was offered from the southern kingdoms of Aminum and Calpurnia, it was graciously received but ultimately, declined.

The Mezzer & The Shyem

The Twin fortresses were built respectively by The Republic of Enekland and The Grand Duchy of Irinoff after the Second Council of Sanktskrat.

These castles guard the rest of Khirina against the corrupt abhorrents that come out of the swamps. They are garrisoned and maintained by the men of the Holy Order of The Protectorate


Early History

Originally named the Hessian Peninsula, the blighted coast had been a for a time had been a troubled marshland not suited for the development of larger settlments. Indeed, even at the height of the Kingdom of Khirinoff, the city of Hessia was more readily accessible from seaborne travails than through the land routes that cross through the mires.

The Corruption of the Aman

Hardly noticed at first, when Aman'yok was interred upon his resting place, a corruption poured forth from the shrine. Mild agitations of the wildlife at first, disconcerting growths of gnarled treebark and bogwaters that stirred with seemingly no source. Not long thereafter, reports would be made out to Hessia but by then the corruption was already beginning it's descent upon the realms of man.
World Map
Alternative Name(s)
Hessian Peninsula
Wetland / Swamp
Location under
Included Organizations

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