
The region known as Ashaya is located to the west of The Conflux Sea, flanked to almost all sides by mountains and centered around its namesake, The Gulf of Ashaya. It extends as far west as Lake Sinkala, though the lands beyond The Ashai only belong to the region nominally, having little in common with the rest of Ashaya.
Ashaya has historically been inhabited by members of The Zoltai Strain, though other Strains were also known to live in the area, usually arriving from The Conflux Sea or The Daga-Kurum Desert.
Ashaya has recently come under control of The Morya Sultanate.  


The Climate around The Gulf of Ashaya is generally a lot more pleasant and well-regulated than that of the regions surrounding it, averaging out at around 20-30C (68-86F). That, as well as the predictable rain patterns and calm tides (at least in the calm seasons), are one of the main reasons why Ashaya is so densely populated.
During The harsher seasons, both temperatures, rainfall and humidity rapidly increase, making mudslides and floods common occurrences in the region around The Gulf of Ashaya.   The Lands beyond The Ashai, mostly consisting of The Jangala Wildwoods are a bit cooler on average, with temperatures varying between 10-25C (50-77F) during the calm season, depending on which part one finds themselves in.
During the harsh seasons temperatures drop rapidly and snow storms become quite common even in the warmer parts of the woods.  


Its generally pleasant climate and suitability for agriculture have led to Ashaya becoming quite densely populated over the years. As of 32 SF, the region is home to around 500.000 people, the vast majority of which have settled around The Gulf of Ashaya itself. Most of these people are Zoltai, though there are also sizable populations of Hominids and Wildkin.  


Most of Ashaya has been under control of The Morya Sultanate for the better part of a decade. 3 of the 4 major cities of the region, Cassander, Raajakabara and Satyavati are under its control, allowing it to control pretty much all trade that flows through the gulf.
The one exception to this is the free city of Amurad, which is part of the extensive Yurekai trading network. The city holds control over one of the only pathways from the far south of Kashura into The Daga-Kurum Desert and the lands beyond and is an important trading partner of The Morya Sultanate.
The city of Sinkala is located on the eastern shores of Lake Sinkala, its namesake. Sinkala is, at least as of 32 SF, not part of The Morya Sultanate, if only because they already have enough wars to worry about on different fronts. Sinkala is home to around 7000 people and is known most of all for its amber and fishing industries.  


Mountains & other geographical Features:

  • The Ashai
  • The Garuda Highlands
  • The Kashtu Highlands
  • The Teichomos Mountains
  • Forests, Swamps etc:

  • The Ashayan Groves
  • The Jangala Wildwoods
  • Bodies of Water:

  • Lake Sinkala
  • The Gulf of Ashaya
  • The Khoona River

  • Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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