Slave/Runaway Slave/Freedfolk

While there is some scholarly debate about how old the concept of slavery is, most agree that it has existed almost as long as civilization itself, the leap from “hit with stick to take stuff” to “hit with stick to make do stuff” is not a big one after all. Slavery is a brought concept, encompassing countless different systems across Kashura: From the Helos of Ereneimos, which are de-facto slaves and make up the lower 80% of its society, to the debt-slavery which is common among many hominid polities around Zagesi, to chattel slavery and the employ of forced labor through criminals and prisoners of war. All these and many more systems of slavery exist in Kashura, often varying from region to region.
Many polities around the world have laws outlining the legality of slavery, which types of slavery are deemed acceptable, protecting certain people groups often based on strain, faith or sex and in some cases even granting legal protections, small blessing that this might be. The Morya Sultanate for example follows the doctrine that no follower of the true faith, The Aastha Abayadi, may find themselves in chains, Adrastealos of The Conflux Tripact grants special protection against slavery to women, especially of Hominid descent.
When choosing this background, consider where your character is from and what system of slavery they have lived under. Were they owned by a single person or an organization? How were they treated, were they used for labor, war, entertainment? Have they been born into slavery or entered it as a result of their life circumstances? Have they always served the same master, or traded hands many times? No matter what, Slavery will have played a significant role in their life, and has undoubtedly influenced them greatly.   Ability Scores: +1 to any one of STR, DEX, CON
Feat: Choose an Origin Feat that reflects the tasks you mainly performed as a slave (If you for example mainly did physical labor you could take tough, musician or skilled if your main task was entertainment etc.)
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two skills to be proficient in which best reflect the main tasks you performed, or still perform during your time as a slave.
Language/Tool Proficiencies: pick a total number of 2 language, tool, vehicle or instrument proficiencies which best reflect the skills you used as a slave.
Equipment: 25 SP, which you can use to buy things for the prices listed in Economy & Prices.   Feature: Those who own you
As a slave you of course would have had an owner, either a person or organization. You may create them yourself or ask your DM if they have anything that fits what you have in mind already. Consider your relationship with them. If you are still a slave, why would they allow you to roam free and adventure? If you are an escaped slave, how did you escape, and what will they do to get their property back? You probably were quite expensive after all! And if you are Freedfolk, why did they free you? Out of the kindness of their heart, obligation, did you perhaps have a debt and finally paid it off? Do they still play an active role in your life, or have you cut ties?

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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