The Conflux Tripact

The Conflux Tripact is a military alliance of several independent city states in The Conflux Sea. Originally founded in 19 SF as an answer to the conquest of Cassander by The Morya Sultanate, the declared goal of this alliance is to stop any further Moryan expansion into The Conflux Sea.   Originally founded by the cities of Adrastealos, Argos (see: The Morya Sultanate) and Thassalophon, the second of which has since fallen, most of the other cities of the region soon joined, realizing the threat that would befall them soon.
Only Ereneimos has not yet joined the alliance officially, though only on paper, for their shields and banners have been spotted in almost every battle of the war.  


As of 32 SF, Adrastealos, Keopsys, Orosa and Thassalophon are part of the pact, with Ereneimos being a member in all but name.

The Conflux Tripact


Region: southern Kashura:
The Conflux Sea


Population: ~1.000.000
Strains: Hominids 60%, Wildkin 15%, Zoltai 10%, Elves 10%, Other 5%
Religion: The Ur-Ashaar


Government: Military Alliance
Ruler: -
Influence: major


50 copper chalkos = 1 silver asmir
25 silver asmir = 1 gold kresos

Articles under The Conflux Tripact

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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