The Morya Sultanate

The Morya Sultanate is a theocratic empire encompassing large swathes of southern Kashura. It is a relatively young state, having found its origins in the year of 0 SF, following the events of The Starfall by the hands of its founder, Maharana Morya the Great.
It is one of the major powers of the continent, having expanded rapidly through military conquest and currently finds itself at war with The Conflux Tripact, Jayavashi and several smaller city states which mostly harass it through the contracting of privateers and supporting internal struggles.
While its neighbor Tirel is so far not engaging in open conflict, diplomatic relations have been deteriorating over the course of the past few years.  


The Morya Sultanate controls large swathes of territory in southern Kashura, ranging from the southern shores of The Conflux Sea down to the western coast of Bashai and the southern coast of Irappur. In the east it extends throughout the entirety of The Bleeding Lands up until The Blackreach mountain-range, where it borders the nation of Tirel.
It is home to around 3.5 million people, most of which are of The Zoltai Strain and the overwhelming majority of which is concentrated in the regions of Bashai and Irappur.  


The Morya Sultanate is at least on paper a theocratic monarchy, though as its founder and absolute worldly and spiritual leader, Maharana Morya the Great, has so far not passed away or abdicated, there have been no actual transfers of power which have taken place within the relatively young state.
As he can not be everywhere at once though, Sultan Maharana Morya has separated his vast nation into smaller administrative states called Zila. These states operate with a relatively high degree of autonomy and are mostly left to their own devices, so long as they do not incur the ire of the Sultan. The Zila are governed by The Adana, governors directly appointed by The Sultan, usually from his own retinue such as loyal advisors and generals, political allies and his most promising children.
That said, the rulers of lands which joined The Morya Sultanate voluntarily were often allowed to keep control of their realms, so long as they paid their dues and knelt to the authority of The Sultan and Abayad, the god of The Aastha Abayadi.   With all that said though, The Sultan is not getting any younger, and word has gotten out that he has been bedridden for a while now. While his life may not be in imminent danger, many powerful individuals have started to plan for the inevitable transfer of power.
Most people in power seem to want a continuation of the Sultanate through hereditary rule, as only the bloodline of The Sultan himself could be trusted with guiding this glorious nation, yet there is much debate about who it is that should take up the mantle:  
  • Much of the priesthood and pious folk seems to favor The Sultan's eldest son, Arjun Morya. A steadfast man in his early 30s with strong faith and conviction, viewed by many as the most worthy successor to his father, as his rule would most likely be the most faithful to The Sultan's plans.
  • Many generals and members of the old guard seem to favor The Sultan's 5th daughter, the hominid half-blood Ishana Morya. Having made a name for herself as a ferocious warrior and capable commander on the frontlines, she was instrumental in many of The Sultanates recent military victories, though she shows little interest in matters of faith and governance.
  • Large parts of The Nobility and Merchant Class seem to favor Yarek Morya, the 13th and one of the youngest of Sultan Maharana’s sons. Having made great strides in mending the hearts of those negatively impacted by The Sultanates conquests, he is viewed as a champion of the common man by many, as well as an excellent orator and policy maker. Many fear though that he is too soft on the followers of other faiths, and there have even been accusations of conspiracy with both The Muhashima and even The Andashima (see: The Aastha Abayadi), though they seem to hold little water.
  • Despite its monumental rise to power, The Morya Sultanate finds itself in a precarious position: Fighting wars on many fronts and political unrest at home, with many believing that a succession crisis may be just around the corner. History will show whether or not This young nation manages to establish itself as the bright flame of the south, or burn out in a blaze of glory.  


    The history of The Morya Sultanate is very much the history of its founder, Maharana Morya, and his homeland:
    The region of Thaamir had historically played a rather minor role in southern Kashura, its largest claim to fame in most people’s eyes being its intermediary position between the densely populated regions of the south and the rest of the continent. It was for the most part controlled by minor regional powers and warlords, which fought over the territories along The Khoona River, and it was here, in the year of 29 pSF that Maharana Morya was born as the first and only son to a minor warlord in the region.
    The young Zoltai was forced to grow up quickly as his father died when he was just 10 years old. Thanks to the guidance of his mother and his fathers allies though, he managed to grow up into a respectable chief and at the age of 20 had restored most of his fathers old territories by both sword and diplomacy. It would however not be until the year of 0 SF, with the event known as The Starfall, that he would become known to people outside of Thaamir.   The Starfall was an event which occured on the new year of 0 SF, during which the stars in the sky above all of Kashura suddenly seemed to fall from the sky. Coinciding with the eruption of The Vulspar (see: Rungholt), many people thought the end-times had arrived as the heavens themselves collapsed, yet life went on in the world of mortalkind.
    It was on this night, that Maharana Morya received a dream of divine intervention as Abayad, the god of The Aastha Abayadi revealed himself, as well as the truth of the universe to him. From this day onward the young warlord knew that he was no longer just fighting to preserve his realm for his children and children’s children. No, he now had a mission, to conquer Thaamir, southern Kashura and then the world in his lord's name, to aid him in the eternal battle against darkness and entropy.
    He would not be without aid though, as Abayad had bestowed a blessing upon him. Many of the falling stars had fallen into the barren desert landscape of Thaamir, close to the young warlord's territory. What he found there was a material which would later be known as Asmatana, or “Shards of Heaven”, a blue-ish, faintly luminescent metal. Weapons forged from this metal were light, flexible and could cut through most regular armor like butter and allowed Maharana Morya and his warriors to quickly subjugate the rest of Thaamir. Adding to this was the fact that, despite the fact that stars seemed to have fallen all across the continent, Asmatana has to this day only been found in Thaamir, adding to the belief that this was indeed divine intervention, and furthering the legend of Maharana Morya the Great.
    Having conquered all of Thaamir in just a matter of months, he would spend the following decades expanding his influence to the surrounding lands, subjugating those willing to submit to his authority while conquering those who were not.
    Yet as The newly founded Sultanate expanded, more and more outside forces took note and wished to hamstring the fledgling state in its infancy. First and most notable was The Conflux Tripact, established in 20 SF specifically to stop the expansion of The Morya Sultanate into The Conflux Sea, following their conquest of Cassander. Besides them there was also Jayavashi, a recently formed nation in the north of Bashai with the stated mission goal to “retake the homeland from its zealous invaders”. Finally, the city state of Rashaya (see: Teyvanila) has funded a number of privateer companies to continuously harass The Sultanates southern coastline.
    Impressive as its rise to glory may have been, the cracks in The Morya Sultanate’s foundation are starting to show, with political unrest at home, several warfronts with formidable enemies, and now many believing that The Sultans health is rapidly deteriorating, the fate of the fledgling nation hangs in the balance.  

    Culture & Society:

    As a fledgling nation ruling over vast and diverse territories, summarizing the cultural and societal practices of the entire Morya Sultanate would be an exercise in futility. Things can very quite a bit from region to region, but there are still overarching themes and trends which can be observed:  


    While southern Kashura might be dominated by The Zoltai Strain, the region has historically been influenced by many different cultures, ethnicities and belief systems, a tradition that The Morya Sultanate has continued at least to this day.  

    Scholarly Tradition:

    Having been a melting pot for many different schools of thought, southern Kashura has, at least for most of its history, been a place where scholars and thinkers of all sorts of persuasions could freely discuss their ideas and develop new one’s without the fear of dogmatic idealism.
    This is compounded by the high cultural acceptance for scholastic pursuits among the general populace, as the pursuit of knowledge is seen as a virtuous endeavor, a common good which, over time, benefits all.
    The region does in fact have a legacy of greatly contributing to the greater scientific community, the most recent one being The Thaamir Calendar: A calendar that, despite its relatively recent introduction has replaced virtually all others on the continent due to its remarkable accuracy.
    While religious and spiritual matters are being heavily regulated under The Morya Sultanate, wordly scholars within the realm rarely had it better, as The Sultan has funded the construction of countless schools and libraries across his nation, and has personally funded quite a few scholars in their scientific pursuits.  

    Religious (In?)tolerance:

    Despite the best efforts of The Sultan and The Vakta (see: The Aastha Abayadi), interreligious acceptance remains strong in the region, especially outside the heartland provinces. All this despite the numerous laws penalizing the practice of faith’s other than The Aastha Abayadi. It turns out that thousands of years of tradition cannot be simply uprooted in a matter of years, no matter how charismatic of a leader one may be.
    As such The Morya Sultanate now finds itself in a precarious situation, penalizing behavior that most of the populace engage in, history will show how that turns out.  

    Laws & Institutions:

    The Laws around Kashura generally don’t vary all that much from one another, murder and theft is pretty much illegal everywhere for instance, this section will therefore focus only on the noteworthy:  

    One God, one Faith:

    Under The Morya Sultanate, the only faith the practice of which is acceptable is The Aastha Abayadi. While the degree to which this law is enforced varies depending on the Zila one finds themselves in and the Adana which governs it, one can make the assumption that it is generally a bad idea to openly practice other faiths or even display their symbols while traveling through The Morya Sultanate. Unless you want to end up in chains of course, no judgment here.  


    The followers of the true faith must be free, unbound by shackles both physical and metaphorical. As such it is illegal to enslave the followers of The Aastha Abayadi, everyone else is fair game though. In practice, slavery is usually one of the most common punishments for those that refuse conversion.
    People that are found to falsely convert also fall under this system.  

    Regional Courts:

    Precise laws and law enforcement varies a lot from Zila to Zila, as the Adana are mostly free to enforce their own laws and taxes upon their population. This can make the persecution of criminals across borders a bit difficult, as something that might be viewed as a serious crime in one Zila could be viewed as a minor offense or even legal in another. Still, The Sultan encourages his vassals to cooperate, and few want to take the risk of eraging him.  

    Major Settlements:


    Cassander - formerly a democratic Hominid city state loosely associated with the states that now form The Conflux Tripact, Cassander was conquered in 19 SF, which directly led to the establishment of The Conflux Tripact in retaliation. In the past Cassander was a bustling trade city taking advantage of its strategic access to the channel that connects The Gulf of Ashaya to The Conflux Sea. With the conquest though, the old Temples to The Ur-Ashaar were razed and large parts of its then predominantly hominid population fled the city. While Cassander has recovered somewhat in the last 12 years of its occupation, the city is still a shell of its former self, now serving mostly as a military outpost, guarding access to one of The Morya Sultanates most profitable possessions. As of 32 SF, Cassander has a population of 10.000 people, mostly of Zoltai and Hominid descent.
    Raajakabara - or “Kings Gate”, is the largest city in the region of Ashaya and one of the crown jewels of The Morya Sultanate. Home to around 30.000 people of mostly Zoltai descent, it lies in the fertile valley between The Ashai and The Kashtu Highlands on the southern banks of The Khoona River. It controls not only all legal trade that flows from the gulf deeper into The Morya Sultanate, but thanks to its location in the most fertile part of Ashaya also holds sway over more than a quarter of the region's entire population.
    Satyavati - having had its beginnings as a trading outpost from Raajakabara, Satyavati is nowadays mostly known as is nowadays mostly known as a mining city, though other industries in the region have also flourished under The Morya Sultanate. In the past it was known for being home to The Saakha, a school concerned with studying arcane Magic following the teachings of Arcana, though as diplomatic relations with Thassalophon broke down, so did support for the school. Satyavati is currently home to around 15.000 people, most of which are Zoltai, though there are also sizable minorities of The Hominid Strain and The Wildkin Strain.  


    Gajabahu - One of the major cities of Bashai, Gajabahu used to be the largest population center in southern Bashai. While parts of the population have left as a result of its occupation, the city is still home to around 35.000 people of mostly Zoltai descent. While many of the city's monuments and temples did not survive the occupation, Gajabahu is the main seat of The Vashima (see: The Aastha Abayadi), one of the more tolerant sects of The Morya Sultanates state religion. As such, the city's Adana, a Zoltai by the name of Lakshan, has allowed the reconstruction of some temples and monasteries to mend relations with the native population.
    Lambakarna - The largest city in Moryan-occupied Bashai, home to over 60.000 people of various strains and one of the crown jewels of The Morya Sultanate, governed by Yarek Morya, the 13th son of Maharana Morya The Great. As the city's old rulership surrendered without much of a fight, Lambakarna suffered relatively little damage during its occupation and as such was allowed to flourish into the artful metropolis it is today. Located on the southern shores of The Gulf of Anula and right in the middle of The Vishala Plains, Lambakarna is in a prime location to benefit from both land and sea trade routes, though the latter have decreased somewhat in the last decade, as The Morya Sultanate still lacks complete control of The Gulf. Besides commerce, Lambakarna is known for its generous patronage of the arts, with several schools and temples dedicated to teaching anything from painting to poetry, and street performers on almost every corner. One could almost forget that it is a city near an active warfront… almost.
    Tusena - Located on the eastern shores of lake tusena, the city is relatively small by the standards of Bashai, perhaps due to its proximity to The Claws of Tanaak. “Only” home to around 9000 people, Tusena mostly serves as an outpost to explorers and adventurers that wish to take advantage of the vast riches that lie in the lands to its west. The city used to have more people, though many of them left following its occupation.  


    Anchappura - One of the “smaller” cities of Irappur, home to around 20.000 people, most of which are Zoltai. Anchappura is known as the regions main producer of Lumber and for several exotic plants that can only be found in The Pachappura Wetlands.
    Kadavagethu - Pachavara - Rajagara - Together, these three cities are what makes up The Irappur Delta, one of, if not the most densely populated region on the entire continent. While the city's populations are already staggering by most standards, 80.000, 70.000 and 120.000 respectively, around 1.500.000 people call just this relatively small region their home. The Irappur Delta is the breadbasket of The Morya Sultanate, supplying most of the food for the nation, though it is also home to countless libraries, schools and monasteries, serving as one of the great intellectual centers of The continent. Rajagara specifically served as the capital for many realms and kingdoms before The Morya Sultanate took over, and is currently being governed by Arjun Morya, the eldest son of The Sultan.
    Nishabari - An old Fortress city located on the eastern borders of Irappur. In the past it was one of the main lines of defense against “the hordes” of The Bleeding Lands, known for their monasteries and temples that focused on martial pursuits and perfection of the body. While those are still around, “the hordes” are no longer a concern, which has allowed the city to grow in recent decades, though not by much. As of 32 SF, Nishabari is home to around 12.000 people, most of which are of The Zoltai Strain.
    Pazayagethu - A frontier city on the outskirts of The Teyvanila Jungle, Pazayagethu is one of few cities that have only been established after The Morya Sultanate has taken control of a region. While at first it was intended as a mere outpost to monitor travel to and from Teyvanila, it has since grown into a sizable settlement, though with an outsized population of soldiers, mercenaries and adventurers. It is currently home to around 10.000 people of various strains and backgrounds.
    Svarna - A formerly independent city state right in the middle of Irappur on an island right in The Yajamadi River and east of The Golden Hills. Svarna was “subjugated” diplomatically, though in reality the former ruler of the city simply named a price and The Sultan was willing to pay. Svarna is almost completely untouched by conflict, home to around 15.000 and mostly known for the wares it procures from The Golden Hills.
    Yajamagethu - While most other cities of Irappur were spared the harsher consequences of military occupation, the same cannot be said for this one. The city was hit by surprise in the initial invasion and almost completely razed in the process. Reconstruction has been underway ever since Irappur had been completely subjugated, though it will likely take many more decades until the city returns to its former glory. As of 32 SF, Yajamagethu is home to around 6000 people, a far cry from the over 30.000 that used to call it home.  


    Ashkamanyu - One of the two major cities of Thaamir, Ashkamanyu is a vital trading city combining a defensible location with abundant resources. The city serves as one of the major checkpoints along the major trade routes of The Morya Sultanate and is usually the first stop for people arriving from The Jangala Wildwoods. As of 32 SF the city is home to around 25.000 people, most of which are Zoltai though there are also sizable Wildkin and Hominid minorities.
    Garashahati - The Capital of The Morya Sultanate, home to over 50.000 people, over 20% of the entire population of Thaamir. It is ruled directly by Maharana Morya the Great and is home to the largest Temple complex of The Aastha Abayadi, known as The Khagar Jagaara or "The House of Awakening". until just a few decades ago, Garashahati was a relatively minor settlement, though under its new ruler and with and entire empire to funnel wealth, people and resources into it, the city has outgrown its former self tenfold. Garashahati also serves as the main seat of The Vakta (see: The Aastha Abayadi), and the city's clergy serve as the commanding authority in matters of faith within The Sultanate. While Garashahati has grown into a center of education and scholastic pursuits over the last few decades, many intellectuals still shy away from visiting for fear of the strict religious laws in place within the city.  

    The Bleeding Lands:

    Narakadvaar - for the longest time, was one of the only permanent settlements in The Bleeding Lands, due to its proximity to The Dalsha, the only major body of water in the region. Due to this it has a long history of serving as a major diplomatic site, where different parties could meet on neutral grounds. It also served as a major spot of worship, as it was the main seat of the clergy of Zolthanor, at least until The Morya Sultanate took control of the region. As of 32 SF, Narakadvaar is home to around 12.000 people, almost all of which are Zoltai.
    Samushaar - located in the north of the region along the southern coast of The Conflux Sea, Samushaar is a relatively new city, having been settled shortly after the unification of the region by The Morya Sultanate. It is home to around 8.000 people and served as one of the first moryan ports with access to The Conflux Sea. Nowadays it has somewhat dwindled in importance though and mostly serves as a military outpost.  

    The Conflux Sea:

    Argos - A city conquered just 3 years ago during the war with The Conflux Tripact and currently “governed” by Ishana Morya, the 5th daughter of The Sultan though she doesn’t really do any governing, leaving most official business to her advisors. As large parts of the city have been destroyed, large parts of its population have also left, though the gold mines the region was known for are still operating. As of 32 SF, Argos is home to around 6.000 people with an equal split of Zoltai and Hominids. relations between the two are quite tense, without a doubt owed to the continued occupation of the city proper.
    Panushaar - A major city located in the heart of The Kashtu Woodlands, which joined The Morya Sultanate diplomatically shortly after The Bleeding Lands were completely subjugated. The city is home to around 20.000 people of mostly Zoltai and Hominid descent and, at least before open conflict broke out between the states of The Conflux Tripact and The Sultanate, was part of the mercantile trading networks of The Conflux Sea. Panushaar is The Morya Sultanates biggest port on The Conflux Sea and serves as both a vital economic center and military post for launching attacks against The Tripact. It seems though as the city's people are not quite as eager to be part of The Sultanate as they used to be, prolonged conflict with former allies will do that. Fearing open revolt, the commanding admiral of The Sultanates fleets in The Conflux Sea has forcefully seized power within the city, which only seems to have stoked the flames of discontent.

    The Morya Sultanate


    Region: southern Kashura:
    Ashaya - Bashai - Irappur - Thaamir - The Bleeding Lands


    Population: ~3.500.000
    Strains: Zoltai 70%, Wildkin 15%, Hominids 5%, Other 10%
    Religion: The Aastha Abayadi


    Government: theocratic, hereditary Monarchy
    Ruler: Maharana Morya the Great
    Influence: major


    50 copper chola = 1 silver sikka
    25 silver sikka = 1 gold dinar

    Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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