The Rajamanju Mountains

The Rajamanju Mountains, also known as “The Mountains of the frozen King”, are an island of frost in the otherwise tropical climates of far-southern Kashura. Both The Yajamadi River and The Teyvatani River, the main river of The Region originate from here, and provide the freshwater allowing millions of people along their banks to thrive.
It was once said that, long before history even began, Bashai, Irappur and Teyvanila were barren infertile lands unsuitable for life. The Ruler of these lands wished to grant his people a better life, and went into the mountains to beseech the old gods. It was said that on the day he arrived a bright glowing light emanated from the mountains, as they became covered in ice and snow, capable of providing the water for the rivers which now irrigate the lands at their feet.
According to legend, this old king still remains up in the mountains, frozen in time, and the rivers will keep flowing for as long as he remains undisturbed.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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