
The westernmost region of southern Kashura is known to people around the world as Bashai, a land of vast plains and forests. It stretches from The Garuda Highlands and The Suna Mountains in the east, to The Claws of Tanaak and The Sprawling Wilds surrounding them in the west, and from The Rajamanju Mountains in the south, up to the city of Naru in the north.  


The Climate of Bashai is generally split between subtropical and temperate. During calm seasons, the temperature tends to vary between 15-35C (59-95F). Rain is not all that common in and around Bashai outside of coastal regions, but this is all made up during the rain season in the month of Duma, where it rains pretty much all day everyday.
The Flora and fauna around Bashai are generally marked by this cycle of dry and wet periods, and have adapted to both extended periods of drought and rainfall.
During the harsher seasons, temperatures can climb into the low forties. The most common natural disasters in the region are storms, floods and volcanic eruptions specifically around The Claws of Tanaak.  


Bashai is one of the more densely populated regions of Kashura, home to around 1 million people, most of which are of The Zoltai Strain, though there is also a sizable population of Wildkin particularly in the north. It used to be even higher, though the perpetual wars of the past 20 years have led to many people fleeing to find refuge in different lands.  


While Bashai never was a particularly peaceful region, home to many warring states even before the beginning of the new era, it has found itself in perpetual conflict ever since 5 SF, with the advance of The Morya Sultanate. Most states back then fell easily, being subjugated through either diplomacy or a series of quick, but decisive victories, with the exception of one:
Jayavashi is a small nation in the north of Bashai, controlling the lands north of The Emerald Throne, as well as strategically important parts of The Gulf of Anula. It has found itself at war with The Morya Sultanate for the better part of 20 years and has been a a thorn in their side ever since, both through denying them the ability to concentrate forces on their other fronts and as a refuge for infidels.  


Mountains & other geographical Features:

  • The Claws of Tanaak
  • The Garuda Highlands
  • The Rajamanju Mountains
  • Forests, Swamps etc:

  • The Emerald Throne
  • The Gettuva Forest
  • The Sprawling Wilds
  • Bodies of Water:

  • Lake Mahavata
  • The Gulf of Anula
  • The Hima-Patanya River
  • The Yajamadi River

  • Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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