
Irappur, known as The Green Jewel, is a large river valley, mostly consisting of vast fertile floodplains and wetlands, in the far south of Kashura. It is centered around The Yajamadi River and is encircled on most sides by mountains, except for the south-east, where it has a vast open coastline. The Shield and The Suna Mountains separate it from The Bleeding Lands and Thaamir, while The Rajamanju Mountains and The Kazu-Malaika divide it from Bashai and Teyvanila.
Irappur has been under the control of The Morya Sultanate since 15 SF.  


Historically, Irappur was mostly covered by vast jungles and wetlands, though this gradually changed over the course of thousands of years with the arrival and spread of The Zoltai Strain in the region. They felled trees, turned forests and swamps into farmland and over time transformed Irappur into what it is today.
Nowadays Irappur has a mostly tropical climate, with heavy rainfall, permanently high temperatures (usually between 25-40C or 77-104F) and high humidity.
During the harsh seasons these extremes intensify, and natural disasters such as floods, tropical storms and tsunamis become much more common.  


Irappur is probably one of, if not the most densely populated region in all of Kashura, home to upwards of 2 million people, many of which are of The Zoltai Strain. No surprise, as Irappur is home to some of the most fertile and productive lands on the entire continent.
This, coupled with the ancient traditions of pacifism, diplomacy and tolerance in the region, have allowed the population of Irappur to steadily grow and expand, mostly unburdened by such ugly concepts as war and conflict.  


The natural barriers of Irappur have allowed the states that formed there to mostly exist safely isolated from the warring nature of their neighbors, though it also left them woefully unprepared for when those neighbors eventually found a way across.
The different states of Irappur quickly fell when The Morya Sultanate sent tens of thousands of soldiers through The Gettuva Forest, and the region was completely under its control only 3 years later.  


Mountains & other geographical Features:

  • The Golden Hills
  • The Kazu-Malaika
  • The Rajamanju Mountains
  • The Shield
  • The Suna Mountains
  • Forests, Swamps etc:

  • The Pachappura Wetlands
  • Bodies of Water:

  • The Yajamadi River

  • Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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