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Pust Mountains


A rift valley and block mountains. Steep sides with flat tops. The once arable land has been overworked, just moss and grass are still able to grow. The mountains range from 500m to 800m tall, and are comprised mostly of slate.
  The hobgoblins have built small citadels on the top of 3 mountains.
  The mountains are strewn with old dwarf tunnels, the deepest of which can be used to access the Underdark. Such entrances are always areas of conflict between the goblinoids and Underdark creatures attempting to reach the surface. Many of the tunnels are also flooded.


Most creatures are nocturnal, hiding in lairs, caves and nests until night falls.

Ecosystem Cycles

The climate is fairly stable. During winter, creatures may hibernate or descend from the mountains to seek warmer land.
Most animals mate during spring, the rain increasing food for the herbivores, and subsequently increasing prey for the carnivores.

Localized Phenomena

This land was a gift from the dwarven gods. Maglubiyet's followers (goblinoids) have overrun the land but it still remembers its heritage. The land will help sometimes help dwarfs and hinder goblinoids.

Fauna & Flora

Solitary Monsters;
Young red dragon; tactical nocturnal stealth predators, climb and fly speed, breath weapon unless in a 1v1/2 or grounded, otherwise dodge, will flee at 40% hp, can talk, arrogant personality
Behir; twilight stealth predator, targets the largest medium creature, constrict grapple/restrained -> swallow -> retreats to its lair, lightning breath to defend its lair (15ft tunnels in a cliffside), retreats at 60hp, retreat = dash, or if surrounded, dodge
Giant Ape; instinctual, chooses targets carefully (largely based on size), close-quarters slugfest, fist>rock   Small pack;
Chimera; nocturnal predator, toys with prey (retreats when they're knocked unconscious), horns (left goat head) + claws (lion middle head) + fire breath/bite (dragon right head), no survival instinct, moves by flying but lands to attack, favours difficult terrain
Troll; nocturnal predator, cave-dweller, indiscriminate attacker, kill or avoid fire/acid sources,
Werebear (good more interesting if first sighted in bear form, transforming weakens its combat, will only fight if they attack its lair, never uses its bite (could make a goblinoid werebear that is evil)   Large packs;
Red dragon wyrmlings; tactical nocturnal stealth predators, climb and fly speed, breath weapon unless in a 1v1 or grounded, otherwise dodge, will flee at 40% hp
Manticore; nocturnal attacks, malevolent talking predator, indiscriminate attacker, flying ranged attacker until the creature is downed or the manticore runs out of spikes, will retreat if outmatched or offered a lot of food/territory, favours difficult terrain
Basilisk; instinctual nocturnal predator, lairs in caves, will target creatures not averting their eyes, close-quarters brute, too slow and loud to ambush prey, attempts to petrify its own reflection   NPCs (daytime encounters);
Goblinoid Legion; prioritise longbows, use melee allies to gain martial advantage, captain will order troops to prioritise ELVES, then unarmoured targets, will retreat if losing the numbers advantage (most wounded move to the back of the line),
Hill Dwarf druidic circle Pust Mountains Druidic Circle 
Half-red dragon, (half-goblin) veteran   Underdark raiders in caves or at night Pust Mountains Underdark   Beasts (daytime encounters); goat, hawk, raven, owl, wolf, bats, brown bear, mountain lions, apes

Natural Resources

Iron, copper and tin
Some ebony wood from the valley
Water from Lake Pusty


It has been occupied by Goblinoid forces for as long as anyone can remember. The only evidence of it being a dwarves home is their old tunnels. Their are rumours that despite this, their are secret treasure rooms that the goblinoids never found.

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