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The children of a long and brutal conflict, Orcs are the children of the native Hobgoblins and the invading Elves of the continent of Adora, though the war has raged for so long many have forgotten that the Elves were once not known to Aberiam. Orcs thrive both because of this war and in spite of it, proving first that love could flourish through foes and second that war consumes all born into it. While the previous statement may suggest that orcs were often conceived willingly, many were not. As a seeming punishment for the mixture of these two races, Orcs possess an addled mind, one which often leads them to conclude violence is the solution to their woes. Orcs also seem to possess greater strength and fortitude than their parent species, likely underlying genes coming out to play in a mysterious way. For the combination of these reasons, Orcs often end up in mercenaries in the very war which produced them, though not always. Many Orcs, like the Goblins before them, have left Adora behind to make greener pastures in other lands. Some still cling to hopes of peace and reconciliation in Adora and lead humble lives.

Basic Information


Orcs are anatomically similar to Elves and Hobgoblin in some manner of mixture. They possess the a short, rounded, but still tipped, version of the common Elven ear and a nose which, while not as flat as a Hobgoblin nose, is remarkably flattened. Their canines, which in their parent Hobgoblins can be large enough to not fit in the jaw, now grow even larger with some Orcs experiencing growth throughout their lives. The skin of orcs is also some combination of their parent species. Some orcs possess a dull grey skin tone which is typical of many Hobgoblins while others possess a green skin tone, likely an exaggeration of the slightly greenish skin of the common Elf.

Genetics and Reproduction

Orcs are, in fact, capable of reproducing among themselves. This has allowed their numbers to steadily grow over time. However, the majority of Orcs still tend to reproduce with non-Orcs, leading to the birth of Half-Orcs. An off-shoot species which shares their heritage and history with Orcs, being welcomed with open arms by other Orcs and tending to lead movements among the Orc race.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orcs and Half-Orcs tend to lack a coherent social structure, usually adopting the structure of whichever race their primary parent was a member of. Some Orcs, however, have adopted a might-makes-right social structure where leaders are decided by strength above all other factors.

Average Intelligence

Most Orcs tend to be less intelligent than the baseline human though they don't lack for creativity. Rather, they find complex thinking, reading, writing, magic, and other similar activities to be taxing and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Though this tends to be the average Orc, many, especially leaders, recognize the utility of literacy, tactics, and magic.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Fist of Grumsh is a notoriously active Orc group known for inciting violence and rebellion among Orcs and Half-Orcs.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Orcs tend to speak either Elven or Goblin, though many have adopted a new, hybrid language which is invariably referred to as Orcish. Orcish is itself compatible with both Elven and Goblin scripts though it does not possess its own written form.


Being the product of two warring races, Orcs are a historically exploited and repressed minority which at times have punched above their own weight only to be shut down by their more powerful progenitors. In their history, however, they have managed on several occasions to emigrate and to form their own groups outside of either Goblin or Elven society. Sadly, these experiments are often short or end tragically as their members inevitably reintegrate into their parent societies.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Orcs are looked down upon by both Elves and Hobgoblins who view them either as tools or a momentary nuisance in the history of the world. This disdain, however, rarely extends into the realm of a genocidal hatred.   For their part, Orcs hold resentment towards Elves and Hobgoblins while finding kinship with the Dvati.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
50 Years
Conservation Status
Orcs are a minority within any society they tend to crop up in, with the addition of their hostile nature this often produces unpleasant or dangerous encounters with individual orcs.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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