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Barrier Ranges

This mountain range is the home of three Hill Dwarf Theocracies, these nations are friendly with each other, unified by shared history and a shared belief that the Lunar Gods are good and right. The home is also home to Ogres and Trolls who do not have a shared nation, nor are they welcome in the nations of the Dwarves, so they tend to live in small tribes as outcasts and bandits.   The mountains separate the Selucian successor states from the Bleak Dales, whilst there are roads over the mountain they tend to be small goat tracks connecting farms to the cities, the main path through the mountains and connecting the Dwarven Halls and cities are great underground highways cut out and maintained by the Dwarven Theocracies.   There are also some small Dragon domains here and there in the mountains, but none large enough to be considered 'nations'.


The mountains are rounded and covered in stony ground and grasses with space trees, the mountains get seasonal snow in the winter, but no permanent caps of snow. There are many natural and Dwarf-made cave systems throughout the mountains but aside from the highways, most are fairly close to the surface.


It is speculated that the mountains were once forested, but now they have only space tree coverage, the forests have mainly given way to farmlands, there are still patches of woods, especially in the valleys between the mountains.   The most common animals are hares, wild goats, cave goats, deer, mice, foxes, squirrels, beavers, bears, boar, wolves, mountain lions and griffons.

Ecosystem Cycles

In the winter the mountain peaks are covered in snow which melts in the spring creating many seasonal rivers and streams. Intermittent rainfall throughout the year fills lakes which are often nestled high in the mountains between different peaks.

Natural Resources

The sides of the mountains are covered in farms, mostly pastoral land for grazing goats, but there are also terraced farms that grow various cold-tolerant plants, especially a great variety of potatoes.   Under the mountains are mines which are maintained by the Dwarf Theocracies, these mines are primarily copper, tin, silver and gemstone mines, most notably Onyx, Obsidian, Emerald and Rubies.
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