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Whilst Varian wants to know all that is, Zimmer is more interested in creating new knowledge which is why he is the God of Innovation. Additionally, Zimmer is credited with inventing light, how all mortal creatures see the world. Zimmer also created the Sun, the plane upon which the Solar Gods live and the source of light for all Achnelia, mortals tend to consider Zimmer to be the ruler of the Solar Gods, the gods tend not to agree.   Followers. Inventors and innovators are almost always devoted to Zimmer, but so too are people who fear darkness and creatures which lurk in the dark, Zimmer is seen as a protector against these dangers. Most people pray to Zimmer to protect them when they are in danger or to inspire them when they need new ideas, often worshipers are rivals with those of Nurn and are always trying to outdo each other’s crafts and inventions.   Clergy. Light is essential to everyone and so churches to Zimmer are commonplace, every settlement has at least a shrine in the centre of town, but most have Church, while cities have grand cathedrals. Stained glass is a feature of every church and temple to Zimmer and they are aligned to make the best use of the sun.   Clerics wear vestments of white and yellow, temples are decorated with polished silver objects designed to catch the light. Warrior-clerics of Zimmer tends to carry a polished metal shield and plate armour which reflect the most light. It is said paladins from the Order of Light can be seen arriving for miles.   Dogma. Just as Zimmer illuminates the sun with light, so should you illuminate your life with ideas. Be as the radiance of the dawn and shine light into the lives of others and bring them enlightenment. Burn creatures of darkness and enemies of Zimmer with the radiance of the sun.
Divine Classification
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