
The town of Steinbrücke is the second largest town in the eastern reaches of the Varathrax Dominion; behind only Grengartt. Unlike the other cities of the Varathrax Dominion, it is not heavily industrialized, due to the importance of its healthy natural product export. It is the headquarters for the Fourth Tower's domestic border forces, and is known by the people of the Free Territories as "The Doorway to Darkness."   Despite the distance from Varastadt, Steinbrücke's heavy military presence belies its quaint image. Military patrols prowl the surrounding countryside to the South, East, and West. Even the soldiers of the Fourth Tower hesitate to travel North from Steinbrücke, for often times stepping even a few yards from the main road means disappearing to the hungry denizens of the Biestwald.   Steinbrücke's economy is centered around food production and timber. The local beast population makes hunting for exotic game quite lucrative.   Despite its position as the only river-based port that empties onto the Demian Sea, the Varathrax Dominion does so little trade with the outside world that the River Crab Harbor is used more commonly to transport timber upstream than to the sea.
Large town
Characters in Location
Vehicles Present