The Draconian Empires

The Draconian Empires were, for so long, the seat of might across Achosyx. The terrible, calamitous Draconians lorded over all other creatures through virtue of their physical and aetheric prowess. Beginning when the Dynasty King Borthegarr slew and enslaved the echo of the Jotunn Queen, Chieftainess Drugga of The Druthmic Nation, the Draconian Empires solidified a reign of more than two millenia.   The Draconian Empires spread across the Northern Expanse, held at bay only by mostly fruitless rebellion from the Jotunn and Vaegr tribes. The Draconians' prolific size and power made it difficult for them to hide their army movements; leaving ample time for the dispersed, guerilla forces of Jotunn and Humans to disappear into the wilds. In secret, the Draconians began experimenting with primitive genetics programs, using siphon magic to entertwine the biological and aetheric essences of Draconian might into other races, hoping to create spies, footsoldiers, and dissidents who could collapse resistance cells from within.   When the smaller races began to discover the secrets of sailing, many escaped to other lands; including the ancestors of the Angraali people and the people who would later bond together to form the United Demian Protectorate.   When Halon Saldania struck down the Dynasty King Krindegast on the fields of Starwatch, the Draconian Empires fell into Chaos. Never before had Draconian king fallen in battle anywhere other than the Conflagration. Panicked and confused, the Draconians fell back to their warrens in the Northern Expanse.   Today, no one knows what happened to the Draconian Empires after Krindegast's death, but it is known that external signs of life within the Draconian Empires dried up entirely within five decades. What was once a monstrous and proud empire was now little more than a colossal graveyard, picked clean by the only carrion monsters that can survive there.

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Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Family Leader
Controlled Territories

Articles under The Draconian Empires