Cauldron Sea Geographic Location in Adventurer's Guide to Exandria | World Anvil

Cauldron Sea

Soothsayers claim that Tharizdun, the Chained Oblivion, created the Cauldron Sea to loosen the veil between worlds and warn that one day he will rend the very fabric of reality from the depths of its accursed waters.
The Explorer's Guide to Wildemount
  Situated between the Tooth of Zehir and the Penumbra Range, this inland sea is known as a location of perpetual violent storms. This is a region you should only enter after careful preparation. (Well, that's rather redundant, as we are talking about Blightshore.) These storms are not natural; they are fueled by both the Abyss and the Elemental Plane of Water. I have seen hail falling here violent enough to kill a horse and strip the flesh from its bones.  


Troubled waters.The constant struggle for dominance of this sea between the Abyss and the Elemental plane cause great whirlpools sucking waters away from the shore and exposing the shallow banks to the skies, or tsunamis crashing on the rocky shore, threatening to sweep everything back into the sea. At times the overall effect causes the sea itself to roil, like water on a drumhead.


Hazardous Weather. Storms are perpetual and violent here. Possibly due to energy leakage from the Elemental Plane of Water. In summer, waterspouts travel onto land becoming tournadoes of great force. In winter, cold airmasses decending from the Penumbra glaciers precipitate massive hail that falls with preternatural velocity. In all seasons, mists and dense fog make navigation difficult, even on shore.

You might find:

  • Sunken ruins of a pre-Divergence city, uncovered by a greedy whirlpool
  • A very cranky aquatic monstrosity heaved up on shore by a rogue wave.
  • Salts with arcane properties deposited on the protected walls of a seaside cave.
  • that the bank you were following is now in flooding as the waters rush back

    Contamination from the Abyss render the waters here... unsuitable for consumption. The few settlements on the shores rely on rainwater for their survival.

Desolate, Strange, Tumultuous
Tier 2 - 3


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