Frozen Sick Part 1: Palebank Village Plot in Adventurer's Guide to Exandria | World Anvil

Frozen Sick Part 1: Palebank Village


Beat 1: The ask.
Core: Community leader Elro Aldataur asks for the party's help figuring out who or what killed Urgon Wenth.
Location: the graveyard of Palebank VIllage
Encounter type: social/exposition; GM roleplays Elro.
Beats 2,3, &4: Investigating Palebank Village
Core: the party gathers information.
  • Urgon Wenth's cabin (TotM)
  • Pelc's Curiosities
  • Tulgi's Cabin
Encounter type:
  • discovery: clues to uncover
  • social: GM roleplays Tulgi Lutan
  • combat: Tugli(thug)*, 5 bandits at Pelc's

Rising Action

Beat 1: Croaker Cave
Core: Party navigates the cave to find Huli Lutan.
Location: Croaker Cave, a convenient distance north of Palebank Village, along the shore (battlemap).
Encounter Type
  • exploration
  • combat: swarm of bats, bandits, giant frogs,Huli Lutan (cult fanatic), cultist.
  • social/negotiation: GM roleplays Huli; Raegrin.
Beat 2: Jolly Dwarf
Core: the stakes increase, party level up, Elro makes a bigger ask.
Location: The Jolly Dwarf, an inn (TotM).
Encounter: social/discovery/exposition. GM roleplays: Arl Bortock; Elro; Irvan Liel; Fenton, Honor, and Magic Liel

Interlude: Voyage of the Remorhaz

In world duration: 7+ days.

The details of this adventure are recounted in The Explorer's guide to Wildemount.

Within my humble guide here, I have endevored to include some useful additional details and maps.

*italics indicate that encounter may be avoided


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