Gártan: Garak /kaːraːkh/
Góalanic: Garúveh /kaːruvɛːh/
Garak is one of the main rivers in Góalanis in eastern Adynía and a major tributary of the river Bórúm, the former being located in the southern part of the region and the latter to the west. The river's source is located in the eastern Pargos Mountains between Góalanis and Gysikan, whence it flows mostly to the northwest, then curves around two-thirds of its way to the west until it merges with the upper Bórúm.
Garak is one of the main rivers in Góalanis in eastern Adynía and a major tributary of the river Bórúm, the former being located in the southern part of the region and the latter to the west. The river's source is located in the eastern Pargos Mountains between Góalanis and Gysikan, whence it flows mostly to the northwest, then curves around two-thirds of its way to the west until it merges with the upper Bórúm.
Garak is generally less navigable than the river Bórúm due to numerous rapids and waterfalls, though the water level remains more stable throughout the year than in the latter, making the river less than ideal for transportation but acts a formidable barrier against armies from either side.
A number of settlements are located along Garak, most notably the city of Gakúnóka -capital of the Góalanic Federation- at the confluence of Bórúm and Garak, the town of Makkar further upriver, and the village of Þala in the mountains near the river's source.
The river forms the boundaries of four tribal territories of Góalanic Orcs, namely those of the Brelog and Hrykkalog on the southern side, and Gakalog and Úlrog on the northern one.
A number of settlements are located along Garak, most notably the city of Gakúnóka -capital of the Góalanic Federation- at the confluence of Bórúm and Garak, the town of Makkar further upriver, and the village of Þala in the mountains near the river's source.
The river forms the boundaries of four tribal territories of Góalanic Orcs, namely those of the Brelog and Hrykkalog on the southern side, and Gakalog and Úlrog on the northern one.
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