Baharsi Bay Geographic Location in Aedes | World Anvil
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Baharsi Bay


Baharsi Bay is one of the geological wonders of Aedes: a massive, almost perfectly round, bay that is home to the continent's three largest waterfalls. Much of its southwestern face is comprised of sheer clifffaces, but to the north and east, the cliffs become smaller and smaller, becoming beaches near the coast.

Localized Phenomena

Thanks to the size of the bay, temperature in the surrounding area is warmer and milder than is common so far to the south of the continent. The eastern shore receives heavy rain and snowfall.


According to kobold oral history, Baharsi Bay was the birthplace of the gods. Some kobolds say that the bay once housed a giant egg from which the gods came, and that the circular form of the bay is just the impression that egg made in the earth.
The Bracaran Peninsula
A zoomed-in map of the southeastern portion of Aedes.
Location under
Owning Organization


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