Dominion: Session 2 Report in Aedes | World Anvil
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Dominion: Session 2

General Summary

Marching to the Rescue

Damira, Nazgul, Qazir, and Mild Zhaqiya climbed onto Mursili's back and set out along the Riverroad to scout out the situation, followed at a slower pace by the kobold tribes. En route, Zhaqiya filled in the rest of the group on the situation: a few miles from the city, armed humans accompanying a trade caravan attacked and killed at least a quarter of his tribe, scattering the rest. Particularly distressing to him was the death of the Barren Plains Tribe historian, his mentor and friend; Zhaqiya was clearly nursing a desire for vengeance.   Around midnight, the party came across the caravan, encamped for the night a small distance off the Riverroad; they didn't risk getting too close, as a guard was patroling, but heard voices by the fire that Zhaqiya was able to confirm were some of the men who had attacked the tribe. After brief deliberation with her advisors, Damira decided to make a show of force in hopes of intimidating them into surrender, only entering open combat if they refused. She flew back to the tribes and gave orders to surround the camp and, on the signal, light two torches per kobold in order to give the illusion of greater numbers. In the meantime, Qazir set up some Rigged Torch Clusters to further the effect.

Vengeance Along The Riverroad

Once the tribe arrived, Mursili walked intimidatingly forward, backlit by the torches. The guard—Caelius—ordered him to stand down, at which point Damira flew forward, declared her name and identity, and ordered a general surrender. The caravan drovers threw down their weapons and surrendered, but the guards refused to surrender, as did the trader, Photius Calvia. Nazgul further entrated them to surrender, but to no avail.   The fight opened poorly for the kobolds and their allies. Nazgul, attacked by the guards, ran under the Tethered Horses to escape; Mursili, Damira, and the Stone Cradle Tribe engaged the guards and kept them from pursuing, but Calvia then came after Nazgul, forcing her to climb Dangling Vines into the a tree to escape. Zhaqiya singled out Caelius in a one-on-one fight, but was quickly rebuffed and sent sprawling into the dirt. By the campfire, a young woman began incanting a magic ritual, which caused Damira's feet to be swallowed up by stone and earth; as she struggled to escape, Caelius stabbed at her, giving her a (Moderate) Punctured Wing.   Seeing their dragon in danger, the tribes began to fight more furiously, and the tide began to turn. Nazgul lept from the tree, landing behind the backs of the caravan guards, and led the Brisk River Tribe into battle; along with Mursili and the Stone Cradle Tribe, they made short work of the other guards. While Caelius was focused on Damira, Zhaqiya ambushed him from behind, stabbing him through his shoulder; brought to his knees, he surrendered. Qazir led the Needle Hill Tribe in a volley of flaming javelins from their atlatls, forcing the caster to retreat into the swiftly flowing river, where continued fire caused her to slip and start to drown. This allowed Damira to break free from the stone entrapping her. As Calvia pursued Qazir, intend on taking his life, he found himself swiftly confronted by a furious dragon, a fifteen-foot-tall caryatid, and three kobold tribes. Qazir commanded him one last time to surrender, and at last, Calvia let his axe drop to the ground.   In the final moments of the fight, a badly wounded Caelius managed to overpower Zhaqiya once more and flee into the night while the focus was elsewhere. However, Mursili was able to pluck the drowning woman from the river, taking her prisoner as well.

Damira's Justice

In the aftermath of the fight, the Stone Cradle was sent to recover the scattered remains of the Barren Plains Tribe. They did so within a couple of hours; a third of the tribe had been slain, including their chieftain, historian, and shaman. As is customary, Damira ceremonially burned their bodies, honoring them as the first kobolds to give their lives for her dominion.   Calvia, unremorseful, admitted to ordering the attack on the tribe, and was executed by the kobolds in retribution. After consulting with her advisors, Damira claimed a third of the caravan's goods as recompense for the slain third of the Barren Plains Tribe, but allowed the drovers to return home with the remaining two-thirds, as they bore no weapons against the dominion in either of the two fights.   The woman was revealed to be Aelia Marcellus, the daughter of a powerful Tameran merchant. She informed Damira that her father would pay handsomely for her return, or response to her death with all-out violence. After much deliberation, she was allowed to go free, albeit relieved of her valuables; before her release, however, Nazgul took the time to learn gnomish by conversing with her.

Quick Notes

Rewards Granted

  • A third of the caravan's goods (the remainder were given to the drovers).
  • A new ritual from the Barren Plains Tribe, Godly Growl.

Missions/Quests Completed

Open Hooks

  • Eshkar is arranging a conversation between the party and the dwarven embassy. (Session 1)

Character(s) interacted with

Newly Introduced

  • Aelia Marcellus, daughter of an important merchant in Tamera. Taken captive.
  • Caelius, a hired guard who slew Mild Zhaqiya's mentor historian. He gave surrender, but escaped at the close of the fight by overpowering Zhaqiya.
  • Photius Calvia, an extremely racist merchant and regular in the Caryatis Outer Markets. Slain.
  • Some very grateful caravan drovers.


The Bracaran Peninsula
A zoomed-in map of the southeastern portion of Aedes.
Bracaran Date
18 Dragon Moon, Year 6 of Damira's Domain
Patrian Date
5 Aristillia, 102 AL
Report Date
18 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Table of Contents


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