Patrian Calendar in Aedes | World Anvil
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Patrian Calendar

The Patrian Calendar is the official calendar of the Patrian Empire, and has been adopted by most of Aedes in some form or another due to the onetime scale of the empire.


The Final Secret and its religious offshoots mark two calendar eras, where Year 1 established as the year of the Great Revelation. Years prior to this year are numbered in reverse as Before the Revelation, abbreviated BR; for example, the Rout of Telemon took place in 4 BR. The era following is the Age of Light, abbreviated AL; for example, the Secession of Acatha took place in the year 61 AL.  
Conveniently, we can think of the eras as "years before/since Decadence".


The Patrian calendar has a seven-day week. The names of the weekdays are derived from the River Kingdoms pantheon.


The first day of the week, named for the bright aspect of Esharra.


The second day of the week, named for Qemet.


The third day of the week, named for Sarru.


The fourth day of the week, named to honor mortal kings alongside the gods. All four major holidays (see below) fall on a Kingsday


The fifth day of the week, named for Maahes.


The sixth day of the week, named for Towarra. Seen as an auspicious day for travel.


The seventh and final day of the week, named for the dark aspect of Esharra. In the Patrian Empire, this is taken as a day of rest.

Months and Seasons

There are eight months in the Patrian calendar, each exactly 45 days long.   The calendar marks four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each of these consists of two months, separated by a day-long major festival. Major festivals are not considered to be a part of either month, nor their own month. These festivals fall on the solstices and equinoxes.  
Note: seasons begin and end half a season earlier in Aedes than in our world; their spring is roughly our February through April, etc.



The first month of spring, named for the weather in which military activity can begin.  


The spring equinox and the middle of spring. In Patria, the ground typically remains thawed from this point on.  


The second month of spring, named for its role as the season of planting. Name loaned from the Baravai.



The first month of summer, named after the late Emperor Aristillus.  

Day of Shadows

A festival for the summer solstice, taken from the River Kingdoms tradition of staying fully underneath canopies or in the shade on the longest and hottest day of the year.  


The second month of summer, named after Emperor Helvidius.



The first month of autumn. Name taken from the Baravai.  

Day of the Hunt

An equinox festival that doubles as a Patrian day of courtship. A celebration of hunting both literal and figurative.  


The second month of autumn and time of the harvest.



The first month of winter. Name derived from the Kerranic for "to shiver".  

Midwinter's Due

The winter solstice festival. The name derives from a tradition—since displaced by the church—of performing sacrifices in midwinter to ensure the coming of spring.  


The second month of winter. Name taken from the Acathan word for "to endure" or "to suffer."

Interactive Calendar

Conversion to Other Calendars

Bracaran Calendar

Conveniently, both the Patrian and Bracaran calendars begin on the same date: the first day of hatching talon in the snow moon is, by the Patrian reckoning, 1 Tramplata. The easiest way to convert between the two is by knowing when each moon/month begins relative to the other:  
  1. Tramplata begins on the 1st day of the Snow Moon.
  2. Frostbreak falls on the 20th day of the Sap Moon.
  3. Ekmaia begins on the 21st day of the Sap Moon.
  4. Aristillia begins on the 14th day of the Egg Moon
  5. Day of Shadows falls on the 7st day of the Blessed Moon.
  6. Helvidia begins on the 8th day of the Blessed Moon.
  7. Sonbahar begins on the 1st day of the Buck Moon
  8. Day of the Hunt falls on the 20th day of the Fish Moon.
  9. Skaubalia begins on the 21st day of the Fish Moon.
  10. Phrikalea begins on the 14th day of the Prey Moon.
  11. Midwinter's Due falls on the 7th day of the Long Moon.
  12. Táltesh begins on the 8th day of the Long Moon.
  1. The Snow Moon begins on 1 Tramplata.
  2. The Sap Moon begins on 27 Tramplata.
  3. The Flood Moon begins on 7 Ekmaia.
  4. The Egg Moon begins on 33 Ekmaia.
  5. The Gadling Moon begins on 14 Aristillia.
  6. The Blessed Moon begins on 40 Aristillia.
  7. The Thunder Moon begins on 22 Helvidia.
  8. The Buck Moon begins on 1 Sonbahar.
  9. The Fish Moon begins on 27 Sonbahar.
  10. The Forage Moon begins on 7 Skaubalia.
  11. The Prey Moon begins on 33 Skaubalia.
  12. The Frost Moon begins on 14 Phrikalea.
  13. The Long Moon begins on 40 Phrikalea.
  14. The Hide Moon begins on 22 Táltesh.
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