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Densitus the Blue - Councillor of The Five

The Heavy Densitus The Blue

In the Age before the coming of Men and Elves, when the Universe was still young and formless, there lived a God named Densitus The Blue. He was one of the five Elemental Supreme Beings, who each held sway over their own Plain, and together governed the destiny of the Universe. Densitus's realm was the source of the 'Mass of the Universe'; it was within his dominion that the very shape and substance of creation was fashioned and refined. In the early days of the Universe, Densitus was content with his role as a member of the Council of Five. He took pride in the meticulous work of shaping the Universe, and found satisfaction in the precision and order of his Plain. But as the eons passed, he began to feel increasingly isolated and dissatisfied with the strict limitations placed upon him by The One, the omnipotent ruler of the Universe.   Densitus saw the endless repetition and lack of creativity in his work as a burden. He yearned to create something new, to add a spark of life to his Plain and to the Universe as a whole. But The One had decreed that the shape and substance of the Universe must remain constant, for fear that any change could unleash untold chaos and destruction.   As time wore on, Densitus grew resentful of The One's control over his destiny. He saw his Plain as a prison, and longed for a world of infinite possibility. He began to dream of rebellion, of overthrowing The One and taking control of the Universe himself.   Densitus was not alone in his desire for change. The other members of the Council of Five also chafed under The One's rule, and together they hatched a plan to overthrow their master. Callacus The White, the leader of the rebellion, passed messages between the members of the Council, urging them to unite their forces and harness the power of the Eternal Darkness to overthrow The One.   Densitus eagerly joined the rebellion, seeing it as his chance to break free of the shackles that had bound him for so long. When the time came, he threw open the door to his Plain and emerged into the Cosmic Trail of the Eternals, the energy of his Plain spilling out into the Universe.   But their rebellion was not without consequence. The cosmic reaction caused by the Five Elemental Supreme Beings destabilized the Universe, alerting The One to their treachery. The One accessed the full power of the Eternal Darkness, something they had never done before, in order to subdue the chaos that threatened to consume creation.   The One took the form of a giant cloud and ascended above all the Plains, guiding the Eternal Darkness upon the chaos like water putting out a fire. In a bid to undermine the power of the Council of Five, The One made the diadems that each Councillor wore reliant on their Will, denying them their power and rendering them powerless against the might of the Eternal Darkness.   Densitus and the other members of the Council fought back, trying to repel the darkness with all their might. But one by one, they succumbed to its power, their very essence absorbed into the Eternal Darkness. In the end, only their diadems remained as a testament to their power and the rebellion they had led.   Alas, Densitus met his doom, and his being was consumed by the all-consuming Eternal Darkness, leaving naught but his diadem as a remnant of his former glory.   For Densitus, the dream of freedom and creative potential was forever lost. He was left with a realm of pure substance, devoid of spirit and imagination. He had failed in his rebellion, and in doing so had lost everything he had ever hoped for.

Divine Domains

The Blue Plain of Densitus

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To bring about the completion of creation

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Manifested as ethereal blue energy

Specialized Equipment

The Diadem of Densitus


Contacts & Relations

A member of the Council of Five along with Eternitus the Black, Infernius the Red, Glamorcus the Yellow, and Callacus the White
Divine Classification
Councillor of the Five (Former)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
'The Blue' 'The Heavy'
Circumstances of Birth
Created by 'The One' through the use of the 'Eternal Darkness' to manage the Plain of Weight
Circumstances of Death
Destroyed by 'The One' due to rebellion
The Plain of Densitus
Aligned Organization


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