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Councillor of the Five

In the beginning, when the Eternal Darkness was all that existed, there came the Five. The Five who were chosen by The One, charged with the responsibility of managing a specific Plain of Existence within the Pre-Creation Universe. They were the Elemental Supreme Beings, and they were the Councillors of Five. Infernius The Red, Densitus the Blue, Eternitus The Black, Glamorcus The Golden, and Callacus The White. Each Councillor was responsible for a specific aspect of the Universe, and their Plains were their kingdoms.   Infernius was the God of the Unburnt, and his Plain was the origin of the first light that pierced the darkness. It was a realm of fire and cultivation, but it lacked diversity, and Infernius grew resentful of the seclusion that he suffered at the direction of The One.   Densitus was the God of always heavy, and his Plain produced the Mass of the Universe. It was within his realm where the shape and substance of the Universe was cultivated. But like Infernius, Densitus grew resentful of the seclusion he suffered, for his Plain lacked spirit and creativity.   Eternitus was the God of the Undying, and his Plain was the source of what would become the Afterlife. It was a realm of absence of death, but it lacked growth and purpose. Eternitus grew resentful towards The One, for his Plain was eternally suspended and segregated from all else.   Glamorcus was the most unusual of the Councillors. Completely ethereal in nature, his Plain was the Plain of Thoughts and Desires. It possessed the collective concentration of what was to become thoughts, feelings, and desires, the source of consciousness for all succeeding living beings. But like the other Councillors, Glamorcus grew resentful towards The One, for his Plain was eternally suspended and segregated from all else, leaving him subjugated to a Realm unfinished.   Callacus was the Messenger of the Council of Five. His Plain acted as an insulating force between all other Plains, and it contained will, determination, communication, strategy, and coordination. He was tasked with delivering the Will of The One to all the Plains of Existence under the command of the other Elemental Supreme Beings.   Despite their individual responsibilities, the Councillors were united in their resentment towards The One. They saw the incompleteness of their Plains and grew tired of the seclusion they suffered. Together they formed a rebellion, the First Conflict, challenging The One and their command of the Eternal Darkness.   The Conflict was short but fierce, and in the end, none of the Councillors survived. Their Plains were left unfinished and incomplete, and their kingdoms fell into disarray. The rebellion had failed, but the legacy of the Councillors lived on.   For though their Plains were incomplete, the Five had each contributed to the creation of the Universe. Infernius had provided the light that pierced the darkness, Densitus had cultivated its shape and substance, Eternitus had ensured its undying nature, Glamorcus had contributed to the consciousness of its inhabitants, and Callacus had ensured its coordination and strategy.   And though they had perished in the First Conflict, their contributions had not been in vain, for they had paved the way for the emergence of new gods, and the creation of a universe full of life and diversity.


Historical figures

Densitus The Blue, Eternitus The Black, Infernius The Red, Glamorcus The Gold, & Callacus The White

Major organizations

The Council of Five
Related Locations


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