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Uda Haab

Prince Uda Haab

Prince Uda (Brother) Haab is a Prince of the Kingdom of Hal Haab, son of Hal Haab, and twin brother to Hea Haab.  

Mastery of Magic

Prince Uda is the first known individual of any race to have attained mastery over magic. Utilising his connection to the Realm of Contrast, Prince Uda was able to devise a method to channel magic from the Realm of Contrast instead of his own living essence. This enables him to use magic indefinitely; however, using magic in this manner can only be done through creating good, not destroying. This rule was set down by Valikar. Additionally, Prince Uda is unable to create life with this magic, as only The One can create life.  

Creator of Blood Magic

Once Prince Uda was able to master magic in the year 1700, he found it frustrating being bound by the rules set out by the Supreme-Being Valikar and The One. Prince Uda Haab in the year 1899 devised a method to take advantage of the rules by manipulating magic within an already living being; Prince Uda used the magic gained from the Realm of Contrast to imbue a being with significant amounts of magic, then drain that magic from the being and enrich his own magic reserves. In the majority of cases this would severely wound or kill the being that was the target of his magic. This magic technique is called Blood Magic.  

The Chronicle of Prince Uda on Blood Magic:

As I delved deeper into the mysteries of magic, I became frustrated by the rules set out by the Supreme-Being Valikar and The One. I yearned for a way to break free from their constraints and explore the full potential of my powers. And so, in the year 1899, I devised a method to take advantage of the rules by manipulating magic within an already living being. I had discovered Blood Magic, a dangerous and powerful technique that allowed me to imbue a being with significant amounts of magic, then drain that magic from the being and enrich my own magic reserves. I knew that in the majority of cases, this would severely wound or kill the being that was the target of my magic. But I was willing to make that sacrifice in order to achieve my goals.     At first, I was hesitant to try Blood Magic. I knew that the consequences could be dire, not just for the beings that I targeted but also for myself. But my thirst for power and my desire to break free from the constraints of the Supreme-Being and The One overpowered any doubts I had.     And so, I began to experiment. I targeted small, insignificant creatures at first, draining their magic slowly and carefully so as not to kill them outright. As I grew more confident, I moved on to larger and more powerful creatures. Each time, I felt a rush of power as I drained their magic, and I knew that I was on the right path.     As I became more proficient in Blood Magic, I began to realize that the consequences of my actions were greater than I had ever imagined. The beings that I targeted were not just insignificant creatures - they were living beings with their own hopes, dreams, and desires. But I pushed those thoughts aside, knowing that the pursuit of power was worth the cost.     And so, I fully embraced Blood Magic, draining the life force from any being that crossed my path. I became more powerful than I ever thought possible, able to bend reality to my will and command the very elements themselves.     As time went on, I became more ruthless, draining the magic from entire villages and towns, leaving behind nothing but death and destruction in my wake. I knew that my actions were evil, but I didn't care. I was consumed by my thirst for power, and nothing could stand in my way. Even as I grew old and my body began to wither, I continued to practice Blood Magic, never wavering in my devotion to its dark power. And on my dying day, I knew that I had achieved something that no other magician had ever accomplished. I had broken free from the constraints of the Supreme-Being and The One, and I had become a god among mortals.  

Resurrection and Longevity Due to Blood Magic

Initially, people like the Prince's father King Hal Haab, were apprehensive as to the use of such magic techniques; they feared that blood magic played with the rules too much, and risked the wrath of The One, that had bestowed upon the humans great gifts of strength, agility, intelligence, and longevity. However, Prince Uda proved them wrong.   The blood magic technique - when done correctly - can grant the caster the ability to resurrect those newly dead, and bestow longevity upon others. Rumors suggest that individuals that have the ability to live indefinitely have been recipients of blood magic. A lack of fertility is one symptom thought to be linked to blood magic.  

Gaining the Lordship of the Western Wood

The granting of the Lordship of the Island of Andal to Prince Hea left King Hal the issue of his second son, Prince Uda. It was decided that Prince Uda was given the lordship of the lands surrounding the Western Wood, stretching from the Plateau of Zitan to the borders of the Desert of Seeth that ran adjacent to the Northern Leg. Both Lordships were granted in the same ceremony in the Acropolis in the Year 2000 AoM.  

Construction of the Pyramid of Naab

In 2100 AoM, Prince Uda would start the construction of the Pyramid of Naab in the North of the Western Wood, overlooked by the High Hills of Neeth. A settlement designed to project power and security, the primary purpose of the pyramid was to set itself apart from the Keep of Andal Island, and the Acropolis, the seats of his brother and father.   The construction of the pyramid would take 300 years due to Prince Uda's inability to commit to major architectural decisions; this would result in different builders leading the construction project. Though not known at the time of construction, Prince Uda planned these circumstances as it did not trust any one individual knowing the complete lay out of his stronghold. Consisting of some 50 rooms, the greatest architectural feature was the atrium of the pyramid. Stretching from the ground floor and main hall, the atrium would stretch the entire height of the pyramid, finishing at a great flame brazier at the top. The brazier was kept alight by magic channeled from the Realm of Contrast by a permanent spell cast upon the brazier.  

A Chronicle from a Builder working on the Construction of the Pyramid:

  As a builder on the Pyramid of Naab construction project, I have witnessed the evolution of this ambitious endeavor since its inception. In the year 2100 AoM, Prince Uda commissioned the construction of a grand pyramid in the North of the Western Wood, overlooking the High Hills of Neeth. The purpose of the pyramid was to showcase the power and security of Prince Uda's settlement and set it apart from the Keep of Andal Island and the Acropolis, the seats of his father and brother, respectively. Despite the ambitious goal of building a structure that would rival the most impressive buildings of the realm, Prince Uda's inability to commit to major architectural decisions slowed down the construction process. As a result, different builders would lead the project at different times, each bringing their unique vision and approach to the pyramid's construction.     The project, which should have taken a few decades, dragged on for 300 years, resulting in a level of complexity that could only be attributed to the contributions of different builders. It was not until much later that we realized that Prince Uda had intentionally planned the project's slow pace, as he did not trust any one person to have a complete understanding of the pyramid's layout. This strategy ensured that no one individual could compromise the security of the stronghold.     As a builder, I have contributed to the construction of some 50 rooms that make up the pyramid. However, the greatest architectural feature of the pyramid was the atrium that stretched from the ground floor to the top, culminating in a great flame brazier that was kept alight by magic channeled from the Realm of Contrast. This permanent spell cast upon the brazier added to the grandeur and mystique of the pyramid. The construction of the Pyramid of Naab was a monumental feat that challenged the skills and creativity of generations of builders. The project's extended timeline and Prince Uda's constant indecision made it a daunting task, but the end result was a testament to the tenacity of the builders who persevered through the years. The Pyramid of Naab will stand as a symbol of Prince Uda's legacy for centuries to come.  

The Battle of Seksif Forest & The Death of King Tankuuthwar

In the Wars of the Two Kings, King Tankuuthwar was forced to retreat with his army of 14,000 men to Haaled Hoose Fortress after suffering a series of naval defeats and a loss at the Battle for the Lela Docks. Prince Uda Haab, leading a host of 10,000 men, marched towards Haaled Hoose Fortress after gathering supplies from the docks and stationed his garrison on the borders of Siksef Forest. The siege lasted for 8 months, during which the forces of Prince Uda forced King Tankuuthwar to face them in open-field combat. Despite being outnumbered, King Hal Haab's research, resources, and magic masters gave him an advantage. The armies fought for six days and nights, with Prince Uda refraining from using Blood Magic and instead drawing magic from the Realm of Contrast to heal his men. By the sixth day, Prince Uda had lost 5,000 men, and King Tankuuthwar had lost around 8,000 men.   King Tankuuthwar, realizing that Prince Uda's magic masters would ultimately lead to his victory, charged towards Prince Uda and his company with his royal guard. King Hal Haab and his son Prince Hea were present to witness the final hours of the battle. Prince Uda, seeing the despair on his family's faces, harnessed the magic from the Realm of Contrast, imbued King Tankuuthwar's guards with magic, then stripped it from them, killing them instantly.   The entire battlefield was bathed in a dark red hue, and everyone stopped fighting to witness Prince Uda's magical ability. He supercharged his magical abilities with the magic he stripped, wielded offensive magic with immense force, causing the dirt and earth around him to float in mid-air. King Tankuuthwar attempted to take refuge behind his enchanted shield and armor, but they were not designed for the magic force he was about to face.   Prince Uda released the magic, directing the attack with his hands, atomizing King Tankuuthwar. Weapons dropped from the hands of King Tankuuthwar's men, surrendering one-by-one. The war claimed the lives of nearly three-quarters of the human population at that time, but it was finally over. King Hal Haab became the King of all the Capital Islands, and for the first time in over 3,000 years, humans were at peace.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Suffers from the magical condition of Abde Takdad - Blood Stained


Uda Haab


Towards Hea Haab


Hea Haab


Towards Uda Haab


800 59450 58650 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed in secret by Muzovwigǎ Ngoti Flinda Dinggǎ and Snguhi Blorsa at the Pyramid of Naab
Hea Haab (Brother)
Aligned Organization


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