Liam O'Connell (LEE-UHM OH-CAWN-ULL)

The son of Niall O'Connell and Moira Gilmore, the Honorable Liam O'Connell is the inheritor of Ro'am Fheallaire's leadership, should his father Niall pass. However, he has found himself advancing quite far in the military, having served the Kindellan Guard in Pascol before being promoted to a member of the Janissary in the Duchy of Ukwam at the behest of Laoise Kindellan-Sonder. Now, he serves as Janisarry Agha, leader of the guard for House Sonder in Ukwam.  



Life in Leitho

Moira of House Gilmore was a lower-status noblewoman who was wed to Baron Niall O’Connell, who lorded over the village of Ro’am Fheallaire near Leitho. This closeness to the grand coastal city of Leitho allowed Liam to spend a good deal of time there, even attending various functions among the nobility. In both the village and the city, though—and even among his own family—his unusual appearance was often mocked.

Training in the Zukein Ways

Traditionally, members of the O'Connell family were educated in the unique way of caring for and tending to katanas—a weapon of zukein origin. The blade was held by Liam’s uncle, Aodhan O'Connell. Liam trained with his uncle for many years before the blade was handed down to him, and continued to train on his long after, eventually mastering the unique style required to be truly deadly with the weapon. The weapon itself was given to one of his ancestors who fought alongside Zukei during the Courting of Ejiiri. It was crafted with care by members of the zukein nobility, specifically House Uta. Their sigil, the Rising Phoenix, is elegantly etched into the pommel of the weapon.

Assignment to House Kindellan

When Liam grew older, he was sent to serve as a page for House Kindellan in Pascol. There he served for several years before someone finally took notice of him. It was Laoise Kindellan, who had been sent to Pascol from Miliim to receive a traditional Aerdan education before she would return to her rightful place in the federation. Laoise took notice of Liam, who wasn’t much older than her, and the two became friends. Laoise eventually chose Liam to serve as personal guard, and he was given the title of Mick.

Move to Ukwam

Betrothal of Laoise

Laoise was informed that her father, Jakub Kindellan III, had arranged for her to wed the Marquess of House Sonder, Landyn II. She was to venture back to Miliim at once, in the year 280. To help herself feel more at home, she petitioned for both Liam O’Connell and the head castle gardener, Aoife Gilmore, to come with her. It was a long trek, and during this time, Liam befriended Aiofe. The two had not spoken before, but it felt pertinent that Liam speak with her now as he left behind the only home he’d ever known, believing her ability to cultivate Aerdan plants to be one that could comfort both him and the duchess-to-be.

Through his conversations with Aiofe, who taught him much of what he would learn about the care and nature of Aerdan plants, he learned that the two were cousins, either first or second, they couldn't be certain. She, too, was a descendant of a member of House Gilmore, though she never really knew her father, being a bastard. She still used the name, but she wasn’t really of noble status like anyone else.

Advancement to Janissary Agha

While at first, Liam was forced to accept a demotion from the title of Mick once he arrived in Ukwam, he was eventually promoted to Janissary Agha, or head of the guard for House Sonder. This happened as soon as Landyn I passed and his son, Duchess Laoise’s husband, took over the role of ruling the Duchy of Ukwam. Aoife, likewise, was immediately granted the honor of being head gardener for Ukwamkasri, which brought about many changes to the plant life there, now mingling Aerdan plants among the Buernish and Miliir ones.

Liam has served as Janissary Agha for the last 13 years.


The Rooks of Elzveir

The Wedding of Artyom Sonder

Liam, like Ulysses Beaumont, was expected to venture with the entourage to Makaliim City as a guardian, though his role was more than of a personal guard to the duke and his children, one of whom (Artyom Sonder) was the marquess to be wed.
Date of Birth
Helki 35th, 256
Year of Birth
256 AR 46 Years old

Character Portrait image: ROOKS: Liam O'Connell, Chapter One by Vittoria


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