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Upper Whithorn

Upper Whithorn is the intelucal hub of the human race within Aenax. It was built upon the site of an ancient city that predates the current age and houses Lower Whithorn. The center of the city sits upon a highpoint in the area, at its center is lies The Archivist University and its associated archive and library. Whithorn is a city located on the temperate river coast, where the vegetation is lush. Whithorn grew around a wide, navigable river, and is comprised mostly of humans, with some hobbits. They are a patriarchal syndicalist sophocratic republic that worships many deities, none having a clear majority at all.  


Trade in Whithorn is mostly free, with some taxes applied to goods and services rendered in the city. People live a modest existence because of it. Welfare is good. Citizens can expect death services, and other services such as healthcare and education, provided they are able to pay for it.


Race Population Percentage
Dwarf 48 0.81
Elf 242 4.03
Gnome 484 8.06
Half-elf 339 5.65
Half-orc 48 0.81
Halfling 436 7.26
Human 4168 69.35
Tiefling 242 4.03


The people of Whithorn own the lands they work on collectively, and together benefit from its prosperity. Affairs are handled by the scholars, the head of whom is Mr @oew


The city has a small contingency of the Smithstry Army located here, though there are rarely any incursions. There is a sect of defenders that watch and patrol the catacombs as there are sometimes monstrous creatures that venture from the depths.

Law and Order

  The guard presence in Whithorn is a militia; policing is carried out by The Merchants of Bearstein, and there is little need for the use of force. Citizens act with honesty, and have no need for 24/7 guards. Law in Whithorn is reform-based, and those that breach the laws can expect incarceration, fines, asylums, or work-release programs to provide them with the chance to not become a recidivist. The death penalty is reserved only for traitors to the state. Magic is typically reserved for those with a license. There is some magic, but is mostly for personal use, and sometimes commercial.


There is an extensive aqueduct system running throughout the city.

Guilds and Factions

Lower Whithorn
Large city
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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