Black Ice Wranglers
Started in 1180, the Black Ice Wranglers, or White Dragons, are a group of 300 elite dragon catchers stationed at Black Ice Fort. They capture dragons in the, oddly, high dragon populated forests of the Highland Peninsula.
300 total which is a mixture of specially trained soldiers, dragon catchers, and at least ten dragonriders.
They use specialized Sivien Steel chains for capturing and subduing the creatures.
Specialized harse drawn carts for mounting scorpions.
They use dragonriders to engage and distract the target dragon while the ground forces use scorpions connected to chains mounted to cement blocks to try and hook and anchor the dragon, eventually tiring it and bringing it to the ground where it can be incapacitated with < dragon sleep >. Another tactic is to fire a Sivien Steel chain net around the dragon to bring it down. This tactic is less used however because of the availability of nets and the east of the scorpion operator to miss.
Logistical Support
The unit is stationed at Black Ice Fort.