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Dwarf, Starhelm

Dwarves are short but broad denizens of the mountains and are as strong and steadfast as their mountain homes. They are great crafters and miners, as well as being very family-centric. They were the first of the Founder Races to step through the Womb of Humanity.   The Dwarves of Starhelm typically worship Terralin and Denethen. Their two main capitals are Forgehome and Shalehaven, both in the Barrier Guard of Denethen.   The Dwarves of Starhelm are seemingly made of the mountains they were gifted as they first strode onto the world. They are a proud race of steadfast protectors of their kin and the mountains that are scattered across the continent.   Many Dwarves tend to live beneath the earth, either under the hills or in a mountain but they have holdings above ground to better deal with emissaries of other cultures. Dwarves typicallly have a hall that they allow outsiders to visit but they do not often hold court there or visit unless necessary. They consider this hall their first line of defense and it is well guarded by dedicated Dwarven Defenders. Their outside halls are well protected by Dwarven Defenders who have an elaborate signaling system if danger should arise. The structure of their meeting halls are all rigged to collapse should the need arise and none of them have direct access to their mountain or hillside homes. Their main hall is usually buried deep under the hills or mountain they are charged to defend. While the halls above ground are very simple and relatively unadorned so as to not inspire jealousy in their visitors, the main halls of Dwarven clan holdings are impressive structures that have taken centuries to build and perfect.       Dwarves often have dusky, sandy skin, but they can range from very dark, to fair-skinned depending on their environment.

Basic Information


Humanoid. Size small or medium.   The Starhelm Dwarf is short and stocky. On average, Dwarves stand around 4 feet tall, with no real distinction between males and females. They can range between 3 and 5 feet tall. A Dwarf weighs around 175 lbs, with female Dwarves weighing a bit less. They can both range from 75-250 lbs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarves have a longer gestation period than a Human, going anywhere from 12-14 months.   The population of Dwarves is slowing down and their birth rate has decreased consistently over the last few centuries.

Growth Rate & Stages

While Dwarves age at the same rate as a Human, they don't start maturing culturally until around 50 years old. They can live as long as 350 years and they start to decline in physical prowess late in life; around 250 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves have two distinct environments they thrive in, depending on the culture and the individual.  About half the Dwarven population prefers mountains, and deeper places under the earth, though that number is declining in recent years.  The other half, which is steadily growing, prefers the upper levels of mountains, caves, and hills, and many are even venturing out into the plains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarves have strong stomachs and can withstand very harsh foods and drink. They revel in meats, and starchy foods, along with cheeses, breads, and other heavy foods. Their drink is strong, typically alcoholic, and can be made with a variety of strange ingredients.   Dwarves do not typically drink water as it used for practical purposes mostly. Washing and dowsing are primary uses of water, and they would prefer to keep those two separated from drinking.   Dwarves eat both communally and solitarily, often while they are working. They much prefer to drink with company, though.


Dwarves are known for their patience and persistence, constantly working towards their goals, regardless of how small or how long it takes to complete.   Dwarves honour tradition and revere the past, keeping lengthy records and connectiing themselves to their ancestors as far back as they can.   They can be single-minded and not question any of their teachings, to a fault. Unless proven otherwise, a Dwarf will most often believe they are right. Many Dwarves, particularly those from Forgehome, can be condescending. To those they respect or are friendly with, this comes out as a big-brother relationship, where they try to impart wisdom on their allies. To those they do not respect, this comes across as disdainful or disregarding.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dwarves organize into clan structures with a clan chief at the top called a Durzok. The only remaining official Dwarf king is the king of the Dwarf capital of Shalehaven. The failing line of the kings in Forgehome left the ruling of that city under The Triune, an organization made up of the three strongest Dwarf clans. All Dwarves officially roll up into The Triune, but the King of Shalehaven has full autonomy for the Dwarves of and around Shalehaven. Most Dwarf cities are friendly and allied with each other but the running of their clans and cities is left to their own devices.   Dwarves protect all Dwarfdom, therefore they consider all Dwarves their kin, regardless of distance. Dwarves from the Helm of Denethen in the north are considered equally important as the Dwarves on the Barrier Guard. That is not to say that Dwarves do not compete or fight against each other, however, the bonds of their race are strong and not easily set aside. Dwarves will go to great lengths to help each other out, even putting their own city or clan at risk to help out a neighbouring clan.

Facial characteristics

Dwarves typically have heavy-set, rugged features, with facial hair, and bushy eyebrows, though younger Dwarves may have softer features until they mature.  Both men and women have long hair, and while either gender can grow beards, it is more often on a male Dwarf than a female Dwarf.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Environment: Mountains, hills, and plains
Notable Locations: Forgehome; Shalehaven; Hurendaal; Mir Denkal; Astoria; Voldurok; Marblewell; Cragguard; Crystalhope; Silverhearth; Goldencrest; Prism Tower; Deep Delve; Shardhold

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Dwarves of Starhelm have excellent darkvision, owing to their time in their mountain homes.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Beauty Ideals

Dwarves take great pride in their hair, whether it is facial or otherwise.  They will often braid their hair, or decorate with jewelry and accessories, but they will never dye it.  Dwarves prefer to let their hair grow naturally, rarely cutting it unless absolutely necessary.  They will trim it to keep it well maintained, but they only do as much as is appropriate.   Dwarves try to maintain a high level of cleanliness, accepting that their work or tasks may be dirty or staining.  They will clean themselves often, particularly after completing a task, before moving on to different activities.  They also like to be well-presented when interacting with others.

Gender Ideals

Gender roles are typcially well-defined for Dwarves, and they are historically consistent.  Most Dwarves fall within their expecxted gender but those that stray from that path are not shunned or looked down upon.   Both genders participate in all aspects of Dwarven life, but specific tasks or skills are more associated with a particular gender.  For example, Dwarf women may teach Dwarven culture while the men may teach Dwarven history; women may cook the meals but the men gather the food and stoke the fire.  Neither task is considered lesser, and both are respected as necessary for a full Dwarvish life.

Courtship Ideals

Dwarves do not typically date each other. Their engagement typically comes from either arranged marriages, or organically through friendship first. A common Dwarven courtship practice is to craft , obtain, or discover something special for their intended partner to announce the seriousness of their intent.   Dwarven courtships do not go quickly, typically spending quality time with each other to ensure the match is strong. This can last 3-5 years before a wedding is finally planned.

Relationship Ideals

Within their families and kin, Dwarves are open, honest, and warm.  They laugh loudly, dance, eat, drink, and generally relax, when not working.  They value family above all else, and their loyalty to their clan is second to that.  Dwarf friendships are nurtured and valued, often lasting decades or more.  Dwarves make friends with non-Dwarves more slowly, but once a freindship is established they will be loyal and stalwart in their relationship.

Average Technological Level

Dwarf armourers and weaponsmiths prize Rocksteel above all else and a weapon or suit of armour made from it can be passed down from generation to generation. The secret to forging with Rocksteel is carefully guarded by the Dwarves and no other race knows how to forge with it. The materials for Rocksteel are rare but there has been a new major vein just recently found which should result in a greater number of weapons produced in the future. Regardless of how plentiful their supply is Stone Dwarves do not give Rocksteel items out to non-Dwarves very often and they almost never sell them. Gifts to heroes or persons who have given great aid to the clans of Denethen are the most common way a Rocksteel item will make its way into a non-Dwarf’s hands.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Dwarvish is full of hard consonants and guttural sounds, and those characteristics spill over into whatever other language a dwarf might speak

Common Dress Code

When interacting with non-Dwarves, it is customary to show themselves as proper and strict, making sure to maintain their clothes and present a respectable image to the outside world.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

They laugh loud but not often in the presence of non-Dwarves and they have a great abiding love for the shiny works of the mountain, namely gems and metals. They also love to dance and sing amongst their own kind but rarely show this side of their nature when around strangers. When it is time for a Dwarf to work they are diligent and hardworking, rarely taking breaks unless needed. They can sometimes become impatient with others who do not share their hard working manner and many consider non-Dwarves to be lazy, at best, or a hindrance, at worst.   Dwarves will clean themselves often throughout a day, particularly when interacting with others.  The Dwarves revere the workspace, regardless of what the work is.  A Dwarf makes great efforts to be clean when entering and exiting their workspace.  Most spaces have basins or even bath houses to wash up in.

Common Taboos

Dwarvish hair is an important part of their personal identity. Whether it is facial hair, or otherwise they take great pride in its appearance and maintenance. It is taboo to ridicule someone's hair, and it considered a great insult to do so. It is considered very bad form to comment or ridicule even non-Dwarves' hair.   Dyeing your hair is considered shameful as it hides the true story of your life. Dwarves do not see grey or white hair to be anything other than a sign of maturity and age.


Dwarf Timeline   The Dwarves were the first of the Founder Races to step through the Womb of Humanity on 6 HE. They were gifted the mountains of the Barrier Guard as their birthright, and Dorinthor Brawnkeep did not take long to establish the first settlement on Haven.  On 21 HE, Forgehome was founded and it is the only capital from that time that is still in existence.   The Dwarves took on an older brother role to the emerging Founder Races that followed, most notably allying with the Halflings and the Humans.   Shalehaven was founded in the year 2410 HE by King Dorinthor II to shake up the Dwarven complacency in Forgehome.   On Starhelm, after the Fractioning, the Dwarves of Forgehome suffered a great loss to their western mountain entrance and home. The grand entrance and centre of trade and culture on the western side of the Barrier Guard was completely destroyed, killing many Dwarves, and shutting them off from the centre of the continent. The Dwarves of Forgehome secured their interior, and delved deeper underground, distancing themselves from the rest of the world. They began to let Shalehaven interact with the rest of the world so they could tend to their underground culture without fear of disturbance.   The distance between Forgehome and the other Dwarven cities grew deeper, and many of the other cities paid historical fealty, but not much in a practical way. One notable exception is Deep Delve, in the Helm of Denethen, who has recently declared itself separate and free from Forgehome rule.

Historical Figures

Dorinthor Brawnkeep I, the first Dwarf to emerge from the Womb of Humanity, and the first King of Forgehome   Dorinthor II, creator of the Triune, and proponent of forming Shalehaven   Dorinthor IV, the last King of Forgehome   Denethen, the prince of Shalehaven, and Dwarven Pinnacle of Starhelm.   Renathor, scion of Denethen and demigod of persistence.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Halfling city of Meadowspring, and the Human city of Essillion have a long-standing alliance with the Dwarves of the Barrier Guard and they trade freely and often with Shalehaven. In times of great struggle the three cities can count on each other to lend aid when needed, either in the form of supplies or soldiers to fight.   When Dwarves interact with non-Dwarves they are stoic, and not very expressive. They try to present themselves as strong and sturdy as the mountains of their home, taking on the role of protector and defender. They feel it is their duty to shoulder the burden of protection. They sacrifice so others can live carefree and happy.


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