The Barrier Guard of Denethen Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Barrier Guard of Denethen

The Barrier Guard of Denethen is the long mountain chain that unevenly divides the eastern part of Starhelm from the west. This is the largest mountain chain on Starhelm and is divided into three parts - the Havenguard Chain in The North, the Scarguard Chain in the central section, and the Portalguard Chain in the south. Many manner of creatures dwell above ground in the Barrier Guard, and just as many or more dwell below in the caverns and pathways of the peaks.   Dwarves were gifted the mountains at the time of their arrival on Haven. They have been generous to their friends, even giving the Humans The Mines of Essillion in the valley of the northern section of the chain. Currently Dwarves, Humans, Goliath, Stone Giants, Minotaurs, and various animals and creatures call The Barrier Guard their home. Most get along with each other, or leave their neighbours to their own devices but there are some that seek more than what was granted to them. Fights do occasionally break out amongst the denizens of The North, but the central section of the chain has more frequent occurrences of violence and subterfuge with the machinations of the inhabitants from the Scar of Fire. The southern chain is much quieter, and simple, but it was not always so.   Historically the Dwarves had twelve major clans and a ruling monarchy that oversaw all of Dwarf culture and prosperity. Eventually the Dwarves split into two offshoots, the Stone Dwarves, and the Earth Dwarves, dividing the twelve clans into six of each sub race. They held the northern tip of the Barrier Guard, all the way down to the southern tip and they were each responsible for protecting and guarding their section. Through the years the Dwarves have had some devastating losses, from the time of the Rising, to The Fractioning, but they have never wavered in their dedication to protect the Barrier Guard.   The Rising, which split the continent of Haven into the current configuration of land structures Aerith has now, devastated the Dwarves. The Scar of Fire erupted from the mountain, destroying two Dwarf clans and cities there, of both Earth and Stone Dwarves. In addition to the horror of the destruction, the Dwarves in that region were all transformed into Azers and forced to live as slaves under the rule of the Efreet.   Now there are only three Earth Dwarf clans left, and five Stone Dwarf clans, ranging from the top to the bottom of the mountain chain. Two of the Earth Dwarf clans exist in the Havenguard Chain, north of Forgehome, while the third resides in the Portalguard Chain. For the Stone Dwarves, they are left with five major clans, ranging the whole distance of the Barrier Guard. During the Rising, same as the Earth Dwarves in the region of the Scar of Fire, they lost their people to the Azer curse. They continue to have presence in The North, near Essillion, along the central and southern section of the Havenguard Chain, in Forgehome, and some presence in the Portalguard Chain as well. Their settlement on the western edge of the Barrier Guard, near Starhelm City, was destroyed during The Fractioning and they closed the pathways and entrances permanently on that side.   The biggest change, however, for the Stone Dwarves came when their ruling King died without leaving heirs, and his line failed. The remaining three Stone Dwarf clans of Forgehome, created an organization to help the Dwarves remain strong and unified, calling it The Triune, which still continues to this day.
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