Marsh of Menlos Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Marsh of Menlos

The Marsh of Menlos is home to Grippli, Lizardfolk, Bullywugs, and some swamp-dwelling Human tribes. It is also home to many strange and dangerous creatures unseen anywhere else on Starhelm, including the largest collection of Dinosaurs. The Grippli, Lizardfolk, and Bullywugs have effectively (but unofficially) divided the Marsh into three sections, each ruling their own area.   The Grippli rule the western portion of the Marsh. They function the same way other Grippli of Starhelm do, including a ruling matriarch society. However, there are some significant changes in the way they function in this part of the world, having no real contact with Grippli on the other side of the continent. These Grippli are a bit more outgoing to the friendly races of the region, including the Humans, Gnomes, Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings of Stonebridge. They are content to maintain their end of the marsh, but they are very ‘enthusiastic’ in their defense of their home. The unique relationship they have with the dinosaurs of the Jungles of Luvash make them a power to be feared. Luckily for the rest of the Marsh they have no aspirations of conquest (for the most part - see below).   The Lizardfolk of the Marsh are violent and bitter, as is most of their race. They are constantly looking for ways to defeat both of their hated enemies - the Grippli and the Bullywugs of the Marsh. They are afraid of the dinosaurs the Grippli have befriended and this has led them to be very cautious in what they do next. They rule the middle and eastern section of the Marsh and will continually look for ways to expand their territory. As with Lizardfolk elsewhere on Aerith, they are led by a strong and dominant King. They are all loyal to King Ssalimaak, but he needs to show the rest of his kin some successes or they may start to turn on him.   The Bullywugs control the wetter and more humid south area of the Marsh. They are also very militant and can get insulted very easily. They are equally concerned about the Grippli’s dinosaur allies and for the first time the Lizardfolk and the Bullywugs have agreed to meet with talk of an alliance. If an agreement is reached it could spell a big shift in power in the Marsh of Menlos.
Population: Leading minority – Grippli; Minority – Lizardfolk, Bullywugs; Lesser minority – Elves, Humans, Halflings


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