Minotaur Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Minotaurs of Starhelm are a noble race of bull men that inhabit the foothills and caverns of mountains. They dwell most notably along the Barrier Guard of Denethen, the Mantle of Denethen, and in the valley between the two. They are master craftsmen specializing in building impressive architecture, labyrinths, and passageways.   Ranging in height from 7-9 feet tall on average (not including horns), Minotaurs are covered in varying degrees of fur. The more northern Minotaurs, particularly those in the Helm of Denethen, sport thick, black or brown fur to help them stay warm. The further south they dwell the thinner their fur is, and can also sometimes take on a lighter colour. Their upper torso is very strong and their head is that of a bull, with the lower part of their body more humanoid in nature.   The horns of a Minotaur are their pride and joy and many will adorn them with jewels, precious caps, or decorate them with symbols of pride and history. Some Minotaur horns can grow to great lengths of three feet but they typically range from 2 to 2 ½ feet long. Their hooves are strong and Minotaurs rarely wear boots.   Starhelm Minotaur are Lawful in nature and like the structures they love to build they appreciate stability and consistency. However, deep in the history of Minotaurs is a savagery they have overcome that can sometimes reveal itself. Minotaurs love to control things and do not like to be told what to do. They feel they know what needs to be done at any given time and may sometimes be contrary just to prove they are acting of their own accord. Precision and detail are a foundation of a Minotaur’s sense of self and they will show off their knowledge to any who will listen.   Ruled by a master builder known as the Bouwermeester, Minotaurs make great halls and labyrinths that twist and turn. Their natural sense of direction allows them to navigate these areas easily but it makes it difficult for enemies to break through. The Bouwermeester is chosen for their ability to build things of great note, including physical structures, and successful groups of Minotaurs. Their cities are not populous but can sometimes extend greater distances, as their unintentional maze-like cities can take up large areas.   Specialists are extended much respect and can gain great renown amongst Minotaur population. Some specialists are sought after from areas hundreds of miles away and bring great honour to their family and city.   The Minotaurs of the east are friendly with the Dwarves, Humans, and Halflings of the Vale and they can be found in Essillion, Hollow’s Point, Forgehome, Shalehaven, and even Meadowspring but not in great numbers. They like the Dwarves’ building acumen, and they appreciate the Humans’ sense of justice. Minotaurs do not understand Halflings overly well but they appreciate their openness. Trade is freely done and a Minotaur architect is a highly sought professional.   The Hill Giants and Stone Giants near and around Minotaur settlements are not on friendly terms with their neighbours and often will attack any trade going to or from there. There have been attacks on Minotaur cities from these groups but they are not usually successful enough to destroy much before the Minotaur defenses push them back.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mountains; Foothills; Hoofstadt; Durhorn

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

You can speak, read, and write Common and Minotaur

Culture and Cultural Heritage


Racial Features

  Select two from the list below for each Minotaur Lineage chosen:   Horns (Mandatory): You are born with large horns protruding from the sides of your head above the ears. Typically these horns are around a foot long and can sometimes grow to be over 2 feet. You can use these horns to make a natural attack, in which you are trained and you use your Brawn to form your dice pool. This attack deals 2d4 piercing damage, and has a grimness of 2. If this attack hits an object or a structure it deals maximum damage.   Mind For Structure: Your brain naturally solves mazes and has a sense for construction and architecture. You can’t become lost while in a settlement or structure. In addition, when you deal damage to an object or structure you deal double damage.   Powerful Build: Your body is large and naturally more muscular than even someone the same size. You can add 2 additional dice when making Brawn attribute checks. Also, your carrying capacity is treated as if you were one size larger.   Sure-footed: When you use your major action, or both of your minor actions to move, you can ignore difficult terrain caused by any slippery, rough, or unbalanced terrain. In addition, when making a contested roll to avoid being pushed or knocked prone any numbers in your array below a 5 become a 5.   Tough: Your Physical scale increases by 1. This repeats every time you gain a level.
Average Height
Minotaurs average over 6 feet in height, not including their horns, which can grow up to two feet or more
Average Weight
Minotaurs are stocky, weighing on average 240 lbs. or more
Average Physique
Minotaurs are size medium


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