Mudburrow Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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The City of Mudburrow is a collection of aboveground and underground hovels, huts, and burrows, in addition to the trees the Treetoppers prefer to maintain. It follows the standard Grippli tradition of putting the oldest matron as its leader and its council of advisors is very vocal. Treetoppers and Toxic Grippli are in equal abundance and share the same level of status. As the threat of invasion, raids, and destruction are more prevalent the warriors of Mudburrow are ever on the lookout for incursion into their lands. They have built walls to defend themselves, which is unusual for a Grippli settlement. They have many traps surrounding their city and they scout constantly.   The current matriarch of Mudburrow is Girgle Splitongue, and she has done a good job of securing her people from destruction or dismay. She has embraced the martial aspect of her role more readily than most would have suspected. She has a good council that is ready to balance her resources to ensure her people do not become too warlike. There are still some who think they are heading down a dangerous path of war but the all too real threat of the Lizard King Crackmaw and the Fallen make most acquiesce to her wisdom.
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