Petrie Mire Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Petrie Mire

Petrie Mire is the smallest of the swamps on Starhelm, but it holds some of the darkest creatures and secrets on the continent. It is a difficult and dangerous place to live, particularly on the north and eastern edge of it, but to the south there is more hope and life. Along the northeastern borders is where the abominations dwell. The nearness of the Plaguelands on the eastern side have bled into the denizens of the swamp and transformed some of them into hideous creatures, most notably the Yuan-Ti, once human snake worshippers, have been growing slowly in power. They feed off of the corrupt nature of the Plaguelands and continue to look for more ways to enhance their abilities.   A small number of Green Hag covens have also sprung up around those areas, and they like causing as much havoc and suffering as they can.   Even with all that, the greatest power in the Mire is the Great Black Shadow Dragon Korgobonthonor who rules from the very centre of the swamp. Luckily for most he sleeps the majority of the time but when he rouses from his slumber he becomes a terrible affliction to all living creatures of the swamp.   The south and west end of the Mire is home to a few brave Grippli tribes but not many are successful. The Lizardfolk and Bullywugs also suffer the same fate as the Grippli in Petrie Mire and the three races typically avoid unnecessary conflict with each other, unlike in other places of the world. They cannot afford to throw away valuable resources on wasteful pursuits like conquest. Other than that, the Grippli, Lizardfolk, and Bullywugs of Petrie Mire all share the same lifestyle as their northern and southern cousins. They all avoid the north and eastern edges of the swamp unless it is truly necessary.
Characters in Location
Population: Majority – Grippli; Minority – Lizardfolk, Yuan-Ti, Bullywugs; Small group – Green Hags


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