Skurrush Swamp Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Skurrush Swamp

The Skurrush Swamp is the northern of two intermingling swamps on the Western Shore. Originally a much smaller swamp, after the Fractioning the swamp grew towards the coast, while at the same time, the southern swamp did the same thing. These two swamps meet at Brightwave and that harbour fortress is the official separation between Skurrush and Quicksilver Bog.   While there is no major city or large village in Skurrush, as there is in Fenblight or Quicksilver, the Skurrush Swamp has a large population of Grippli who are slowly getting civilized with their contact with the Humans of Avandar. They are doing well against their Lizardfolk and Bullywug enemies and for the most part they enjoy the alliance they have with Avandar. Many of the Grippli lead groups of Avandarians through the swamps as they scout for opportunities to reclaim their land.   There are some Grippli who do not want to give up their newfound expanses of land to the Humans and there is the stirrings of a resistance to the Reclamation. The Humans of Brightwave are working to clear up some of the swamplands just north of Brightwave and reconnect the Southguard Plains to the coast. Further north, near the TriSpine Rivers the Order of the Reclamation are looking to uncover some of their lost ruins and re-establish a settlement there.   The Grippli of Skurrush are more typical of standard Grippli society prior to any connection with the Humans. They are tribal, with a matriarch as their leader, and they try to live a peaceful life, fighting only when necessary. The skills and tools they have recently learned and gained have helped them to battle their historical enemies of the Lizardfolk and Bullywugs but not to as great a degree as their southern cousins in Quicksilver.   There is also a small Vegepygmy and Thorny population in Skurrush, deep in the dark heart of the swamp. They feed on Grippli, wandering Humans, Lizardfolk or Bullywugs if they can so they can reproduce as much as possible. However, many of the living folks of the swamp do their best to stay away from them.
Included Locations
Population: Majority – Grippli; Minority – Lizardfolk, Bullywugs; Small group – Yuan-Ti, Vegepygmy


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