BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Efferil Berevan

Early Years

Efferil's childhood was trying as his parents were tailors that lived among the humans of Garyk in Rockmount. His parents were ornery and wanted desperately to capitalize in the human world, often forcing Efferil to shy away from his own ambitions to help support their own plans and ideas. Efferil had a strong interest in magic and wanted to study to be a wizard, his parents held his desires in check for a number of years as he worked in their clothing store.   Wanting to expand his ever-running mind, Efferil found himself falling into the wrong crowd. He began running cons with his group of friends. He found the cons freeing and a welcomed escape from the boredom of his mundane life.  

Wizarding Studies

After a long wait, Efferil began his journey to learn magic. His dream, as most aspiring wizards, was to study at Moonstone Towers, but his application was denied. It was well documented how difficult it was to get accepted. Without a lot of clout with his family name, his best opportunity for schooling was at one of the human schools.   With little money, Efferil elected to attend Hyperion Institute of Arcane Arts in Rockmount. In attending the human founded school, Efferil had to fund his own education. To do this, he performed a few big cons with his friends to pay for his initial tuition.   Once in Hyperion, Efferil was living his dream. However, his dream did not go as planned. Efferil was a slow study of wizardry and struggled in his classes. A few human students began to bully Efferil. They mocked his Elven heritage and jested that he must be the worst Elven student to ever attend Hyperion. "You're so bad at magic that your own kind thought you were a lost cause. 'Efferil the Wompy Wizard,' that is IF you can ever learn to do simple magic," young Naris Wending guffawed with his group of friends.   Efferil made two friends at Hyperion, a girl named Srain and a boy named Gherash. The three were inseparable. Srain & Gherash began tutoring Efferil, or "Ef" as they called him. They read that discernment magic helped stretch magical aptitude. So, as a game the three cast an Everday tattoo that would jump between them--a symbol that would appear in the palm of one's hand at the start of the day. They called it the Unseen Hand. The game was for each of them to figure out who had it that day.   While his friends believed in him and tried to boost his self-confidence, Ef's patience was wearing thin. Desperate to increase his magical aptitude, Efferil began researching ancient arcane magics and deities.  

A Voice from The Deep

Obsessed with becoming a great wizard, Efferil dove deep into the arcane. He learned where a particular book he was interested in was located... Jerrod Wending's personal collection. Jerrod was a very wealthy aristocrat and part owner of Hyperion. Using his charlatan past, Ef disguised himself and snuck into a large formal dinner party at the residence. While there, he discovered an ancient artifact locked away in Jerrod's study that seemed to call to him. Efferil touched the artifact and suddenly found himself transported to a different plane.   Efferil overlooked a great dark canyon where a massive entity appeared floating above another figure. The entity almost seemed formless, but also had definite shape... Ef couldn't quite grasp the image he saw. Its strange form phased between solid, liquid, and gas. One definite Ef could clearly see were the creature's many eyes... there must have been hundreds of them. They were hauntingly amber and red with side blinking lids that motioned closed like a rolling snail.   The great creature spoke to the figure below it, an aberration... fortunately, Ef had cast Comprehend Languages on himself prior to snooping in the study. A single guttural word seemed to boom from everywhere and nowhere, "Power."   A bright, white light began to slowly emerge from the aberration, although the origin of the light was not of the aberration. Ef could feel the incredible power emanating all around him and it growing from that source of light. As the intensity grew, Efferil raised his hands to shield his eyes. As he positioned his hand to block the light, he tried to peer at the entity. His gaze was fully engulfed by a lone eye of the massive creature... he was face to face with a huge inquisitive eye.   Startled, Efferil found himself back in the study at the Wending house. He was confused and intrigued by what he just witnessed. He gathered himself and stole the artifact. He surmised that the entity that he saw was what was referred to as a "Great Old One," an elder god from beyond their dimension who's age defies time. He longed to garner that feeling of power that he was exposed to... he'd be the greatest magic wielder in the world, he thought.  

The Ritual

Efferil tried to recreate the circumstances that caused his experience with the artifact, but the connection seemed elusive. In his studies of the arcane, he learned of a possible solution. He could channel magic through the artifact by an ancient ritual. It would connect and bind him to entity. The creature would most likely not even realize Ef had channeled its power.   The ritual required three people to cast it, so Efferil filled in Srain & Gherash and requested their help. Srain cautioned against using the ritual, stating that it would make him a warlock instead of a wizard. She noted that it was against everything wizardry stood for to use magic that they didn't fully understand. Not only that, but tying himself to a god outside of the Elven Pantheon might jeopardize his immortality. But, Ef was determined. He said that once he 'acquired' some of the entity's power, he would continue his quest to be a great wizard.   His friends joined him in the ritual. It was a long process, but it became readily apparent that what they were doing was working as the room around them shook & phased between planes. A mystical energy began to reach from the ancient artifact centered among the three friends. It entwined itself around Efferil, lifting him off the ground. Ef recognized the feeling, it was the same sense of power from the entity that he witnessed.   The room began to spin. The air whipped around them as suddenly, a charge of light blue eldritch electricity beamed from Efferil's hands into the chests of his friends. Ef was horror-struck as he watched his friends cry out in pain. He desperately tried to stop what was happening, but he was helplessly in the grip of forces he didn't understand or control. He could feel his friends' life forces being peeled from their bodies and funneled into his soul.   The same slow blinding white light that he had witnessed before began to emanate from within him as he once again heard the singular deep and booming voice as it slowly spoke, "Granted." The intensity of the voice alone was beyond measure. Efferil's skin and muscles vibrated at the sound directed to him from within himself in what felt like a slow, crushing gravity wave that he physically felt in troughs & crests. He nearly lost consciousness from the sheer power of the voice.   The event ended. The room went still. With the release from the energy, Efferil's floating body limply dropped to the floor on top of the artifact, his nose and ears bleeding. The door was breached by faculty members that had apparently been trying to enter the room to rescue the endangered students. The wizards grabbed Efferil from the floor to carry him to receive medical treatment. As they lifted him away, he quickly pocketed his precious, artifact without them noticing. His eyes opened enough to see the remains of his two friends who laid lifeless and charred.  


For his part in performing in an unsafe and unsupervised ritual that claimed the lives of two students, the board of chancellors of the Hyperion Institute of Arcane Arts moved to expel Efferil and forbade him to ever pursue the path of becoming a wizard. His name was passed on to all academies of wizardry to never be allowed acceptance to their registries.   Guilt for being responsible for the deaths of his best friends overshadowed him. At times, he found himself able to hear his friends speaking to him or caught a glimpse of one of them in a crowd. At first, he passed it off, but eventually he began to question if the ritual had somehow bound the spirits of his friends within him.   Also, from the ritual, Efferil found himself imbued with powers that just seemed to naturally spring from within him like nothing he had ever experienced before. He wanted to explore his new found abilities, but needed to in a place that wouldn't raise suspicion in case he was spotted by a member of Hyperion. Without notifying his parents, who he couldn't stand the thought of returning to work for, Efferil decided to leave Rockmount for good.
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"

Cover image: by tomhotovy
Character Portrait image: by Akim Kaliberda
This article has no secrets.


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