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Leena Othronus

Early Years

Leena grew up in the West Bank portion of Harnid Crossing as her father Faramil was Archmage to the Council of Four, the four elected Governors that head the city’s government. Faramil was very stern and favored her younger brother Paelias a great deal. Leena grew up trying to gain her father’s respect constantly. She began to study Arcana at an early age.
by Noah Bradley
One of the first spells she learned was Find Familiar. Her familiar was a squirrel named was Sebastion. She found herself confiding in Sebastion many times as she dealt with her father's preference for her brother. Sebastion became a quick friend to her. Although he was a bit of a coward and hesitant, Bas always came through for Leena.   Leena absolutely loved books and couldn't get enough of them. She read fiction & non-fiction alike. This helped her to excel in her schooling as she was quite smart. She continued her studies in Arcana partly to impress her father, but also because it truly fascinated her. Once she read "Augustus Tilliamfarum's Harrowing Hatching of Havatch Point", she was absolutely hooked. Leena became an immediate fan of Count Augustus.
More importantly, she knew then that she wanted to become a great wizard for herself, not because it would make her father proud. So, she began to concentrate on growing her proclivity for magic.   Noticing her aptitude, Faramil submitted her application to Moonstone Towers, Academy of the Arcane in Evernil to study magic. Evernil was also famous for its pervading tradition of magic, and was home to many notable wizards, sorcerers and other mages. Moonstone Towers itself was created by magic. Getting accepted to Moonstone was no easy feat, but her father had a strong political position, which got her in the door.  
It was the happiest day of her life when her father told her the news. Not only was she going to study wizardry at the greatest arcana academy in the world, the place where Count Augustus Tilliamfarum had served as Headmaster twice, but she knew that her father had to pull the strings to get her in. She was overjoyed that her father had finally seen her for how incredible she was.   That evening as she celebrated, she ran around through Sebastion, leaping from tree top to tree top. Bas landed their victory lap and journeyed quietly back inside, but a discussion between her parents in Faramil's study caught her attention. She discovered that Faramil’s hope was to use Leena’s entrance into The Towers to springboard Paelias into the Academy a year early and use his influence to get him into the high-honors program, which would make him the youngest to ever begin the program.
by Naariel
  Her mother noticed Bas behind Faramil, but didn't bring attention to him. Leena was heartbroken and began to sob. Shortly, her mother came and comforted her.   Meriele knew how much Leena wanted her father's approval. She consoled her daughter and told her that her father does in fact recognize that there is greatness within her, otherwise he never would've submitted the application in the first place. Her mother continued her soothing touch as she confided how incredibly proud she was of Leena and that as long as she continued to just be herself, she would become a far better wizard than her brother... and even her father. Leena embraced her mother. This rekindled Leena's elation over her acceptance into Moonstone, and her mother shared in that joy with her.  

Erudition at Moonstone Towers

by chrom

Upon her mother’s guidance, Leena worked harder than any other student at Moonstone and became the top student in her class. She was so astute in her wizardry education that many of her classmates viewed her as a constant overachiever. She was always the quickest to answer her professors' questions. And while she wasn't perfect in practicals, she was one of the better spellcasters. With practice, it was no secret that she would one day develop into an incredible wizard.  
Being a huge fan of the great wizard Count Augustus Tilliamfarum, in her spare time away from her studies she constantly dove into his many writings of "The Count's Compendium & Recollections". At times, she'd even walk the paths referred to in his one autobiography "Mystic Mimetic Minuet at Moonstone". In idolizing The Count, it was no surprise that she began to focus toward the same Arcane Tradition as Augustus, which was a blend of evocation & abjuration called War Magic. This optimizes a wizard’s concentration for attack, but more importantly, defense.
by Jason Chan
  Leena enjoyed her time at Moonstone immensely. While she wasn't the most popular girl, she developed a strong friendship with two other girls in her class, an elf named Sumnes and a human named Lizzy. Some of the more popular students looked down at Lizzy as she wasn't the best spellcaster, but Leena and Sumnes helped her to get better and pass her courses. Nearing the end of her five years at The Towers, Leena saw that there was going to be an opening soon as an apprentice under Count Augustus. The Count kept five apprentices at a time, for a maximum of ten years. Usually it timed out for an opening every other year, though there were circumstances that occasionally dictated otherwise. She submitted her application and eagerly waited for a response.  

Dallapin's Dare

Nearing graduation, a few of Leena’s classmates were going to attempt a dangerous dare. This was a common "rite of passage" passed down through the years among upperclassmen at The Towers. It was called Dallapin's Dare, named after the first student who attempted the act. According to the tale, the moon elf Dallapin was dared to sneak into the Archmage's chamber and take an excerpt from an old teleportation manuscript and one of the small teleportation artifacts that sat next to it. Then, use the excerpt to travel to another plane. Once there, he was to steal one item and bring it back. The artifact that went with the manuscript was unique in that it allowed a quick teleport to a location, then brought you back upon breaking the artifact. Dallapin did so successfully, though the story varies as to what he brought back. Some say it was a precious stone, some say it was a dagger impaling his chest, no one really knows what really happened.   Leena walked into the room while this group of popular students gathered to perform this dare. In an effort to keep the "goody" Leena from tattling, the group challenged Leena taunting her, "Not even 'the great Leena' could pull this off." In wanting to be accepted as a great wizard, Leena accepted the challenge and procured a page from the manuscript in the Arhmage's chambers and one of the small teleportation chips next to it. Upon her quick return, the students prepared a Teleportation Circle to match the manuscript.  
Uncertain of where the spell would lead, she prepared herself as best as she could, then held the teleport chip tight as she went through the portal. Leena was transported to some type of Demon Plane where she found herself in some kind of ornately carved temple.   She grabbed an obsidian goblet from a table as her prize when she recognized a language being spoken as Infernal from the next chamber. She peaked from what appeared to be a balcony to see a devil of some type being worshipped by a throng of creatures. The devil spoke that with their retrieval of the tome, we will have “Tryyungeafyx” and emerge powerful once again.
by Vadim Marchenkov
  She heard scratching whispers from behind her... she turned to see an ancient tome resting on a stand in the room with her... it was as if it was speaking to her. She quickly picked it up and hid it in her bookbag. She snapped the teleport artifact and returned to her peers.   There she found that a professor had walked in on the group and was sorting them out. The scolding would commence. Leena yielded the obsidian goblet as her prize from the hellish plane. Fearing the consequences of her actions, she kept the tome and her experience to herself.   The next day, Leena was called to the Archmage’s office. She imagined the worst, possible expulsion and to not be allowed to graduate. To her surprise, with her exemplary record and never-ending hard work, the Archmage was happy to overlook the event and took the time to inform her that she had been accepted as an apprentice to Count Augustus Tilliamfarum following her graduation. In fact, the telegram stating her acceptance arrived that morning. She had never imagined actually getting the position as she knew thousands would apply. It was one of the happiest days of her life as everything she had worked for had come to this.  

The Stalwart Apprentice

The Count's books were written in his own voice which showed itself as very flamboyant, peculiar, and eccentric. Meeting him in person proved every bit of that to be true and more. Augustus was a whirlwind of strangeness & excitement that couldn't be described. He rarely stayed in one place for longer than a few seconds it seemed, unless spellcasting, performing alchemy, or entertaining.   Leena found that he delegated many tasks to his apprentices, from the very mundane to incredibly intricate assignments. He did have many properties and ancient artifacts that required care & chronicling, not to mention, he often charged his apprentices to write portions of his upcoming books as he dictated on the move.   The workload of The Count and his apprentices was dizzying. She never fathomed how exhausting life was for The Count until she became part of his team. His fame definitely came at a price, although Augustus seemed to thrive in his role.
He was quite incredible. Once Leena gained her footing, she aimed to do what she does best... be an extremely hard-working overachiever and meet his intensity.
by Crystal Graziano
Her insatiable work ethic did not go unnoticed by Augustus. He began to funnel more important tasks through her and fostered her grown in Arcana. He became impressed with her, not that he readily admitted such things. She quickly made herself invaluable to The Count. She became his right-hand apprentice of his five in only a year, keeping his chaotic life as organized as it had ever been.   In gaining his trust, she hoped to eventually go to Elvenkeep, home of the greatest and oldest Elven library. The library was said to be filled with books & scrolls of knowledge that is considered the greatest collection of writings in all of Aernoch. It also holds "The Great Chronicles of Elvish Culture," which are considered sacred among the Elves. She believed Count Augustus would allow her to use his seal to gain entry one day.
While there, she would aim to continue her personal studies and growth. It's her dream to visit such a place. Also, she could research her experience in the other plane and possibly decipher the ancient and seemingly dangerous tome secretly in her possession.  


by Farrukh Bala
  Now entering her fourth year as The Count's apprentice, Leena has been hard at work juggling her many tasks as his lead pupil. She has been feverishly preparing for her fourth "Evening of Opportunities", the annual event hosted by The Count of the world's who's who.   She is exhausted, but proudly living her dream life, while also trying to research the strange tome from the other plane. Leena has often struggled with the idea of telling The Count about the book, but fears that informing him would endanger her status as his apprentice. Augustus frequently relays his anger & displeasure about individuals who casually hold dangerous items in their possession without fully understanding what could befall them or the world around them.
Date of Birth
22nd of Anil
Year of Birth
1161 AS 88 Years old
Golden Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 5"

Cover image: by Farrukh Bala
Character Portrait image: by Ten-Ten33


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