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Aesthelan – The Feeding Blades

Bathing a blade in the blood of a powerful creature allows the magical blade to absorb some of its strength. It must be fed once a year with equally strong blood to retain its power and takes 20 minutes to absorb the blood and power of a slain creature.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

1d10 Longsword   Damage bonuses (+1,2,3,4) can be gained by bathing in powerful foes


The history of the Feeding Blades dates to time immemorial and has largely been passed by rumours leading to the recorded stories differing wildly. What is agreed is that five blades were crafted for five Elven brothers who left to travel the world. Each went on to become great warriors with their blades becoming slowly more powerful and evolving with their masters until the brothers, arrogant of their new power, sought to fight the mightiest foe and challenge the great deity Typhis to combat. When they were slain Typhis divided up the blades and in a great cyclone propelled them across Aesalia scattering them for new adventurers, more modest of their soul, to find.
Item type
Weapon, Melee

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