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Falaran Inquisition

"I do not fear the Templars, I do not fear the Nobles, I do not fear all the magi and peasants of the land. The inquisition. That is worthy of my fear."
Emperor Caius 'The Blessed'
  The Falaran Inquisition was an order within the Falaran Tathamite Church that ensured the conviction and devotion of the members to the churches principle. Only the Grand Cleric was considered free from the Inquisition's perview though chastisement of the church's leader by the Inquisitor General was never beyond notice.


The Falaran Inquisition answered only to the Grand Cleric though even his behavior was questioned by the Inquisitor General if it challenged the tenants of the faith.
Title Quantity Role
Inquisitor General 1 Overseas the inquisition and monitors the conduct of the Patriarchs and Grand Cleric
Chief Inquisitor 1 per diocese Overseas the inquisition within their diocese and represents the inquisition to the leading nobility within the region
Inquisitor - Standard agents of the organization who have proven their devotion, skill and worth
Witch Hunter General  1 Created during the Second Age the witch hunter general oversaw the activities and distribution of contracts to Witch Hunters whilst also punishing those whose actions brought embarrassment or question to the church.
Witch Hunter - Low agents of the organization. Originally under the tutelage of an Inquisitor Witch Hunters eventually became a separate group that dealt with issues once left to the Templar Order.
Acolyte - Initiates accepted into the inquisition and in training. Their movement into the Witch Hunters or Inquisitors numbers is based on their scores in the tests required to leave the acolyte numbers.
Initiate - Those aligned to the clergy but yet to confirm their allegiance to the order.


The Inquisition was the most devout branch of the Falaran Tathamite Church whose certainty in the tenants of the faith were fanatical. They often attended regular vigil and would undergo great sacrifices to prove their love for Tatham. The Inquisition was the most senior order of the church but held a great modesty in their position with any sign of corruption of exploitation being responded to with sever punishment and pennace.

Devotion Unquestioned, Loyalty Unwavering

Religious, Inquisitorial
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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