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Summoned from the Realm of Order the Genasi are beings of the elements trapped inside corporeal physical forms. A Genasi differs from an elemental in how it is created. ‘Elementals’ as they are known are made by animating nature whereas Genasi are the product of actually taking a Genie or other such creature from the Realm of Order and binding it to this realm. Genasi are often summoned to assist with research due to their realms lawful binding often making Genasi prone to rational and logical thought processes particularly when they are fresh to the Realm of Balance.   Genasi are often seen as dangerous by commoners who believe them at worst to be unstable magical constructs due to their appearance. At best they are believed to be mer with horrific deforming diseases and treated with caution often quarantined and brought food away from the rest of the village. It is not uncommon for commoners to avoid contact with Genasi in fear of their ‘disease’ spreading.   Genasi tend to be lawful with their temperament often dictated by their elemental heritage. Fire Genasi tend to be short tempered, Water adaptable, Earth stubborn and Air easily distracted. The realisation of chaos and laws being breakable can often lead to great mental trauma to Genasi when they first come to the Realm of Balance the consequences of which vary drastically between Genasi.
  • Earth Genasi
  • Fire Genasi
  • Water Genasi
  • Air Genasi

Basic Information


Genasi appear as humanoid in appearance with clear signs of their elemental heritage.    Their skin is coloured in accordance with Fire Genasi often having red or charcoal coloured skin that is hot to the touch, their eyes burn red and hair is often orange or amber. Their fiery eyes allow them to see not only as other mer but also in terms of heat sources around them seeing sources of heat as bright reddish shades.    The Water Genasi tend to have blue or seaweed coloured skin with similarly shaded hair that appears ever damp and dripping, their legs and arms are finned and their necks on occasion are gilled. Water Genasi are able to swim great distances at speed and often hold their breath underwater for far longer than other mer if not indefinitely.   The Air Genasi have pale shades of skin with various hair colours that appear light and fluffy to the sight, they are lighter boned than expected able to leap great distances at ease. On rare occasions Air Genasi are forged with wings often resembling those of an Aarakocra.   The Earth Genasi appear to have brown or gemstone coloured skin that is hard to the touch and often appears fragmented like cracked stone though the degree of the fragmentation varies greatly. This alteration of the flesh allows them to easily break through the earth burrowing with spectacular ease.

Genetics and Reproduction

Genasi as all summoned species are infertile and unable to impregnate others despite being created with reproductive organs. They are created through a summoning ritual after which most are promptly bound to their summoner.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Kag Gnakiir Kayi
Geographic Distribution
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