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Naming Traditions

Family names

The Liadine have abolished the practice of surnames with each Elf's singular name changing as their life progresses. Many [Elves do however keep track of their lineage and extensive family trees can be found in archives allowing for the tides of racial superiority that often flow within Liadine society to hold demands of purity in their mind.    Within Ishalond many of the most powerful Elves operate factions within their political senate often named the House of (Leading Elf). Those Elves within the Houses often take their allegiance as a title rendering them for example Alderel, of the House of Teleryon. These form the closest to surnames practiced by any Liadine.


Major language groups and dialects

The Liadine speak Elvish as their primary language but are often fluent in other tongues as well with Draconic being the most common second language after which the Common Tongue can be found though it is rarely used on the mainland.

Shared customary codes and values

The Liadine favour mastery in all aspects of life. They believe the purpose of an Elf is to advance the fields of knowledge in praise of their guardian deity the Everwatcher. Liadine do not draw distinguish between those who choose to advance a single field many steps of many fields a single step believing that interdisciplinary study to be in the interest of all.   The Liadine view competition unfavourably preferring a communal approach to study and life. Elves of shared interest often share dwellings and resources with one another living in what others species would think of as familial units. Within these Coterie the Elves take pride for their own achievements which their fellow brothers often aid them in achieving and showing to the world. Elder and more experienced Elves are expected to act as parental figures and mentors to those younger Elves whilst the younger Elves are expected to act as assistants to their superiors until they have achieved enough to make their own worthwhile contribution to their chosen field.

Common Dress code

The Liadine favour elegant attire made of fine fabrics and intricate patterns. Long hair is the norm with facial hair being an oddity not least due to the difficulty of Elves to grow it. Liadine prefer to own a small selection of clothes rather than a great range and prize masterfully crafted and often enchanted garments. These garments are rarely changed except for great changes in the life of the Liadine that demand a new wardrobe.   The Liadine primarily keep outfits for three occasions: A working outfit for their chosen profession which tends to be simple and practical in design, A garment for everyday casual ware which tends to possess a simple but beautiful pattern designed for comfort and to allow easy competition in sport and leisure activities, and a final garment of exquisite beauty for special occasions.


Beauty Ideals

Liadine favour Elven traits above all others viewing the pointed ears of Elves to be a token of citizenship and evident of worthiness within the isles. Sharp, narrow facial features are widely praised alongside slender tall frames that reflect the full traits of Elven blood.

Relationship Ideals

Elven unions are considered fleeting affairs with children often being raised by siblings, mentors and entire communities as much as by their birth parents. With the long lives of Elves making commitments such as those of marriage are considered strange matters unreflective of the tidal flow of life. As such Elves tend to make at best bonds of union that last decades at most and can be easily broken by either party.    Elves do not view the end of these unions as anything to fear or mourn instead often seeing the passing relationships to be experiences as dear as a beautiful work of art. Children born of these unions will oft remain within their place of birth until their time of maturity when they are able to protect themselves.
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