Mad Mary Tolenska
The mother of Gertruda Tolenska and wife of Arik the Barkeep 'Mad' Mary is a local of the Village of Barovia. Born with a soul to two parents without them she was stiffled of affection and turned to occult trickery in an attempt to find connection. Through a magical text stolen bought at great expense from Cantemir's Mercantile she was able to commune with dead and souls granting some peace of mind to those in the village who had lost loved ones.
She married Arik Tolenskov when she was young and the two settled into a simple life. After many attempts they had a daughter Gertruda Tolenska who possessed a soul like her mother as well as an ambition for a better life. Gertruda however was increasingly driven mad by her communion with lost souls and the nightmarish tales they told of the world beyond. Eventually taken hold of by madness she became trapped in belief that her daughter was at risk treating her ever more like a child despite her rising age. She would refuse her to leave the house, force her to play with dolls instead of going to spend time with friends fearing that she might lose her life to the horrors of the basin. When Gertruda ran away it was the last straw collapsing Mad Mary into insanity.
Arik Tolenskov the Barkeep
Current Residence
She / Her
The Church of the Morning Lord
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