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Humans were created as the standard labourers of the Imperium. Human’s short lives and adaptability allowed them to be spread across the Imperium to do whatever tasks were necessary. Following the end of the Imperium humanity spent a great deal of time attempting to return to order as the short lived species tribal communities split and fought amongst each other. As a result of this era humanity remembers little of the Mythic Age and instead tells of the Order of Tatham as the foundation of the predominant religion that worships Tatham as the God of Order.   In the modern age human’s travel for adventure and joy often seeking to make the most out of their lives and relishing in their ability to adapt to any situation. Humans make up much of the world’s aristocracy with the exception of the few non-human states. This has come about for a number of reasons ranging from the fast-reproducing nature and adaptability of humans allowing them to take power in many corners of the world but also the ease with which they can reproduce with other species creating half-kin that gradually become more human over generations.

Basic Information


Humans and their half-kin have two arms, two legs and one head with skin covering their body that is covered in hair. Their bodies are highly adaptable and come in a range of sizes, skin tones and abnormalities which tend to be defined in part by their surroundings and needs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans conceive through sexual reproduction requiring a male and female of the species. Following fertilisation the female carries a human for around nine months until they give birth to live young. Humans tend to reproduce more often and thus populate quicker than others leaving many humans with large families though this varies by culture.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans grow over the first twenty five years of their life and usually reach their final height between the ages of fourteen and twenty with few exceptions. Puberty appears in humans around the age of eleven where there body begins to mature and both sexes begin to develop capabilities allowing reproduction. By the age of twenty five humans tend to reach the final stage of their initial natural physical development though this can be significantly altered based on the diet and activities of the human.    This form however tends to last until the human reaches sixty years of age where their body begins to grow gradually more frail and their hairs grey. As the years progress onwards their skin wrinkles and their form loses increasing strength and mental capacity with diseases and other natural ailments becoming increasingly dangerous and potent when infection occurs.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans prefer to live in the open world on solid land but can adapt to live on boats or beneath mountains if necessary. Humans tend to adapt the world around them to suit their needs while also possessing the ability to adapt well to their surroundings and survive in even harsh conditions for prolonged periods.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are primarily omnivorous and eat a wide diet of meats and greens. Humans are susceptible to be poisoning and many possess allergies or intolerances to specific foodstuffs or goods.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Humans tend to have a high degree of individuality in their societies taking pride in their part of the world and making it something of a 'personal castle'. Despite this individuality humans tend to be led by a strong ruler whose decisions are final on topics that cause conflict and division. These rulers are often accountable either directly to those they rule or indirectly through complex social systems of fealty and allegiance.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Human skin is favoured by many reptilian species for its waterproof and malleable nature. While considered distasteful to humans the existence of human-skin attire and objects is guaranteed in most major settlements with non-humanoid species.

Facial characteristics

Humana hair grows thickest on their face with males, and some females, possessing the ability to grow a large amount of facial hair. Most humans groom their hair for a range of purposes.

Average Intelligence

Humans tend to increase in intelligence with age often choosing a specific field to specialise in and become learned around.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans possess the same innate arcanum in their form from their creation as other mer. Humans use this magic for all manner of reasons and can easily adapt it to suite a range of needs.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Humans have simple naming customs in which children are given names by their parents in addition to the Family Name inherited from the father, unless in a matrilineal marriage. Names tend to comes from great figures of history or pleasant sounding words in the major language of their residence.

Relationship Ideals

Humans tend to marry for life, an ideal that is strongly encouraged by the dominant clergy of the Tathamite Faith, and have families raised within that family. Human's that fall within the spectrum of same-sex attracted identities continue to have these families but are, in many societies, then given orphans to care for as children in place of the biological spawn they would produce.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Sovok Haknen
Average Height
Average Physique
Humans can easily fluctuate between an obese and muscular body shape dependent on their lifestyle.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Humans come in a variety of skin tones and often mark their bodies with ink to represent achievements, experiences, beliefs or other such expressions.
Geographic Distribution

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